What causes my aches and pains? 

It's seeing so much in the things that people toss away, I'll tell you what it is.

I made buttons out of old bottle caps the other day, melting them down into a shape using my own process.

I made the holes with a hammer and nails, then colored the button with nail polish I found in the rubbish, making it beautiful and sparkling. Cup coasters, a faux chandelier, kitchen tiles, bathroom tiles, a countertop, a shelf. Every day constantly this is in my head and a string desire to do it but all I can do are little things. I try to care for the earth by picking up "trash" all the time, and recycling but there is only so much trash the management accepts to recycle. Trash is only trash if you don't have the imagination to see it as anything else. I see old fishing line and I see the most grounded string, I see bottle caps and I see jewelery or wheels for toy vehicles or little gemstones, the makings of a pill sorter, small boxes, and that is just the simplest of it.

I see a void deserted parking lot and I see a garden, a park, or a spot to make chalk craftsmanship, or a mysterious rock garden, a half done skate park, the ideal spot for a playground, a spot to have a decent food truck, a farmers market. I need to spread my arms and embrace the fortunes of the world, I see junk and I see materials, potential, a learning experience. With 1,000,000 plastic containers I could construct a strong house, a little boat, another fence, nourishment for mushrooms, miniature closed ecosystems, gears and other machine parts, a standing divider garden, hydroponics framework, shoes, a fruit picker, dolls, a cylinder, Bangles, a buoy, the covering for a lake, a floating island garden, a plastic roap, plastic chord a pool, furniture, a fence, a bike, a scateboard, financial opportunity, a green house. Please God give me a spot I can keep the fortunes of the world.
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