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A word of appreciation for Good's cleverness

Posts: 1937

You don't allow avatars to be hosted on your shit, so no CP lawsuit issues


2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...


Linking to CP on his site is just as a crime.

Good pretends not to care about CP being posted here, but actually does care a lot. I'd say Good is even more paranoid than Loona regarding CP posts, even the structure of this site confirms it. He made a ToS page and just think about it: Whenever you come here with fresh cookies, you are greeted with a fucking disclaimer you agree to. The only thing that seems to scare him is legal issues.

The last time CP got posted, he immediately told everyone about it in attempt to get others to talk to the poster and stop them.

Good knows he couldn't keep CP posters away even if he wanted to (otherwise he likely would), he resorts to psychological games like trying to make people believe he has some high-tech smart CP auto deletion system that automatically detects CP and deletes it. Not even the fucking government is this advanced, let alone some Bulgarian freelancer.

I'd like Good more if he was real. I dislike fake people with a passion.

Posts: 2894
1 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

You just cant handle the truth.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

It's ok to admit defeat sometimes cawk chan

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

I also like the way Good runs this place. SC hasn't been this stable in ages. 

Posts: 525
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...
Xadem said: 

I also like the way Good runs this place. SC hasn't been this stable in ages. 

 agreed, props to good

Posts: 63
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

This place is ugly now, no offense. It is better than most other sites though. 

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

It's ok to admit defeat sometimes cawk chan

He hasn't even made a direct move yet. Good just gets CP deleted and whines to other users about it, avoiding to confront the posters directly. This is the best he could do though.

What I don't like is how he tries to sell the community stories (that only idiots would believe, mind you) all the while acting like he has the clear upper hand here. If you're gonna lie, at least be good at it, or don't at all. lmao

No effort has even been made to get more CP on the site since Alena's account ban, but keep acting like you fixed things and shit, Good. xd

last edit on 7/8/2019 10:26:15 AM
Posts: 2894
1 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...

I want to add avatar upload, so hopefully i will one day. Links or uploads, its the same really. The zealous fanatical fervor for order does not discriminate.

Cawk said: 

It's ok to admit defeat sometimes cawk chan

He hasn't even made a direct move yet. Good just gets CP deleted and whines to other users about it, avoiding to confront the posters directly. This is the best he could do though.

What I don't like is how he tries to sell the community stories (that only idiots would believe, mind you) all the while acting like he has the clear upper hand here. If you're gonna lie, at least be good at it, or don't at all. lmao

No effort has even been made to get more CP on the site since Alena's account ban, but keep acting like you fixed things and shit, Good. xd


I do not act like I've done anything.

I've said what I've done, the rest is in your mind.

I've told no lies.

You seem afraid to the possibility that you do not have the control over others, that you like to have. If your ability to mass spam the site with CP and have an effect is hindered, you lose(at least some of) the e-power you think you have. And that worries you. It also means you are less relevant then you paint yourself to be.

Whats a direct move?

A direct move is personal, CP posting is not an issue I take personally. This post is about you challenging the validity of my words.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: A word of appreciation ...
Good said: 

I want to add avatar upload, so hopefully i will one day. Links or uploads, its the same really. The zealous fanatical fervor for order does not discriminate.

Cawk said: 

It's ok to admit defeat sometimes cawk chan

He hasn't even made a direct move yet. Good just gets CP deleted and whines to other users about it, avoiding to confront the posters directly. This is the best he could do though.

What I don't like is how he tries to sell the community stories (that only idiots would believe, mind you) all the while acting like he has the clear upper hand here. If you're gonna lie, at least be good at it, or don't at all. lmao

No effort has even been made to get more CP on the site since Alena's account ban, but keep acting like you fixed things and shit, Good. xd

I do not act like I've done anything.

I've said what I've done, the rest is in your mind.

I've told no lies.

>high-tech smart CP auto deletion system that automatically detects CP and deletes it

is one.

You know it, I know it, and Jim knows it. He only sucks up to you because you're the site owner.

You seem afraid to the possibility that you do not have the control over others, that you like to have. If your ability to mass spam the site with CP and have an effect is hindered, you lose(at least some of) the e-power you think you have. And that worries you. It also means you are less relevant then you paint yourself to be.

Of course I'm relevant.

Remember when you, Chet, Ed, Cad, Primal, Ana, Sugar, Crypto Nigger and nearly everyone else ganged up on me as group effort to run me off S-C? I'm that relevant.

I'm so infamous, people know me as the guy not to open links of. They will never become resistant to the CP effect like you're hoping.

Whats a direct move?

A direct move is personal, CP posting is not an issue I take personally. This post is about you challenging the validity of my words.

 A direct move is to punish the posters instead of whining to others about what they posted. It's a fight others have lost before you, people such as Ed who have more bravado than you do.

Don't worry, it's not mindlessly posted but only when it fits an agenda, so you can continue with the facade that you have things under control.

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