20:19 ddddddd: i believe pinochio is cs med
20:20 Chapo: Ya know I thought that for a bit too
20:20 Chapo: but now I think it might literally be a noobfag
20:20 ddddddd: no i dont think so
20:20 ddddddd: definetly not new
20:21 Chapo: Why not
20:21 ddddddd: it is a special flavor in her way to put emotion - or not to put it - in her sentences. especially the last half of her sentences. i cannot describe it properly with words but she seems to start with different emotions in the beginning und tries to cut or
20:21 ddddddd: dissociate from them towards the end
20:22 ddddddd: in the same way cs is feeling but tries to kill that part of her
20:22 ddddddd: it even shows in her sentences
20:22 ddddddd: i feel the same in pinnochios sentences
20:22 c4: read CS latest thread
20:22 c4: pinoch responds in it as though they are CS
20:23 c4: the first response
20:23 Chapo: It makes a lot more sense that it’s ca and not a newfag doesn’t it
20:23 Chapo: Cs
20:23 ddddddd: ill make a bust thread
Do I really have an awkward way of writing?
Really I've tried my best to flavor my threads/posts with satire. Maybe I do write in a similar fashion as CS does.
Nah, this guy sounds gay.
Now I feel like I'm damaging whoever this CS person is by my every post.
I'm new.
Nah, they’re just hating on me.