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Dinesh D'Souza: America is no longer the freest country in the world

Posts: 2334

When asked about cancel culture, D'Souza told the John Solomon Reports podcast, "it suddenly occurred to me that we're really no longer living, at least in terms of some of our basic civil liberties, in a free country."


"I think it happened in stages. You know, I saw this, actually, 30 years ago on the campus. And my first book, which was 'Illiberal Education,' a kind of exposé of political correctness on the campus, I began to realize the vulnerability of the students because they were at the mercy of their professors and the administrators. But the campus to me, at that time, I saw it as kind of an asylum, a lunatic asylum. And not only me, everybody else thought that way," D'Souza said.


No doubt brain washing has been occurring in our Universities.

"'So,' says the left, 'we need to take over those things. We need to take over the schools, we need to take over the universities, we need to undermine the churches, we need to, you know, weaken the power of the patriarchal family. And by doing this, essentially, we create a leftist culture that runs alongside leftist economics.' And so the left has put a lot of effort, a lot of investment in this, and I think they started off in the campus. And then what happened is that they were able to cultivate a generation of intolerant just little savages, and unleash them on the society at large. And that's what happened. They didn't have to plan it because, by creating these apostles and sending them out into the world, they were able to achieve their purpose that way." 



"And then what happened is that they were able to cultivate a generation of intolerant just little savages, and unleash them on the society at large."

Love this guy, lol. So true. The intolerant Left.


last edit on 2/21/2021 4:35:34 AM
Posts: 107
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...

He's a moron, just like all your other idols.

Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...

He's a moron, just like all your other idols.

 I love how you Leftist imeadiatly start with the name calling. Just because someone may be incorrect on one idea does not negate other ideas. This is a common misconception and has no basis.

Newton was incorrect with Newtonian physics. Does this make him a moron, of course not. The guy was a genius.

Your logic is flawed

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...
LiYang said: 

 I love how you Leftist imeadiatly start with the name calling. Just because someone may be incorrect on one idea does not negate other ideas. This is a common misconception and has no basis.

Newton was incorrect with Newtonian physics. Does this make him a moron, of course not. The guy was a genius.

Your logic is flawed

You're not a moron because you "may be incorrect on one idea", you're a moron because almost every single thing you say is stupid.

Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...
LiYang said: 

 I love how you Leftist imeadiatly start with the name calling. Just because someone may be incorrect on one idea does not negate other ideas. This is a common misconception and has no basis.

Newton was incorrect with Newtonian physics. Does this make him a moron, of course not. The guy was a genius.

Your logic is flawed

You're not a moron because you "may be incorrect on one idea", you're a moron because almost every single thing you say is stupid.

 Talk about morons, Swedes have lost all credibility on the global stage, your logic is flawed. What happened to you guys? Geeze, bunch of sheep.

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...

I like how quickly you always surrender arguments.

Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...

I like how quickly you always surrender arguments.

 argument about what? I see you made no point.

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...
LiYang said: 

I like how quickly you always surrender arguments.

 argument about what? I see you made no point.

 The point is Dinesh D'Souza regularly says stupid things.

Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...
LiYang said: 

I like how quickly you always surrender arguments.

 argument about what? I see you made no point.

 The point is Dinesh D'Souza regularly says stupid things.

 I don't agree with him on everything. Again, just because someone is wrong on one thing does not negate other arguments. Flawed logic.

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Dinesh D'Souza: America...

But if he's wrong on multiple things on a regular basis it isn't that unfair to call him a moron, is it?

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