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It's been a good summer so far

Posts: 18

I've tried to get out and enjoy myself as much as possible. So far, the high point was vacationing on the water and seeing lots of animals. I also had some friends come over from the EU to visit. That was cool too. It's nice to have friends come visit, but also nice for them to leave if you know what I mean.

I've done lots of camping and wildlife photography. I must have 3000 pictures or more.

My next trip out will be in the mountainous high country.

How about you? Hows your summer or winter (for you southern hemisphere dwellers) been so far?

From the bottom of the food chain I rise up to conquer.
Posts: 525
1 votes RE: It's been a good summer...

that sounds nice ^^ what kind of things do you like to photograph most?

winter has been nice, it was really fucking cold at first seeing I was used to the warmer weather but I just basically lived in my onesie for a few weeks and it was alright, and now I've acclimatised to the colder temps it's comfy. 

school starts in two weeks and I'm looking forward to it

Posts: 18
1 votes RE: It's been a good summer...

that sounds nice ^^ what kind of things do you like to photograph most?

winter has been nice, it was really fucking cold at first seeing I was used to the warmer weather but I just basically lived in my onesie for a few weeks and it was alright, and now I've acclimatised to the colder temps it's comfy. 

school starts in two weeks and I'm looking forward to it

Basically wildlife photography is an opportunistic thing. Whatever comes to visit is what gets its picture taken. Usually dangerous animals are my favorite, can't get too close you know. Beavers are fun to watch. I had one come to about a meter from me just looking at me. Birds of prey are a favorite also. Kingfishers are cool also. So many favorites, :)

From the bottom of the food chain I rise up to conquer.
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: It's been a good summer...

I'll never get tired of crystal clear water, beach clubs with cold drinks and dancing, and beautiful nature landscapes. \m/

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: It's been a good summer...

Excellent, steady and character strengthening. I've had no real setbacks whose challenges I haven't overcome. I started reading more and continue to exercise, eating healthy yadi yada. Will visit London soon. 

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