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Quit testing me

Posts: 9539

Oof. Now I have to blow off steam. 


So I walk in to get my coffee somewhere and it's one girl with a massive attitude, she makes me wait the longest time I have ever waited to get my coffee. But I patiently said nothing. I didn't even make a face or seem bothered in my demeanor. 


She finally decides to acknowledge that I'm there and she's like "what do you want" with the most sassy, rude tone. 


And I'm like holy shit. Thinking in my head, I don't even want to order anymore, I'll just go somewhere else like, fuck this. I'm not going to be treated this way. 


And I said my order and cuts me off. Repeats the order to me wrong. I kindly just repeat the order, but before I can finish, she just turns around and walks away saying nothing to me. 


The shade. The shaaaade. The way she walked away oof. She was mad af. And then she comes back with my coffee and she says the total. And I'm like, actually, I wasn't done ordering... *trying so hard to be nice still to this BITCHy BITCHHHHHH* 


and she's like "well I'm not supposed to let you order anymore you have to go to the back of the line now" 


and I just look straight into her eyes with a dead stare and I'm like, "I, wasn't able to finish ordering." trying so hard to nicely say BITCH ITS YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING WALKED AWAY 


and she was like, "WELL YEAH, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE." in the *sassiest* tone and she's just standing there like 


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and she turns around and starts yelling at someone in the back, and like saying really bitchy shit literally abut me right tin front of me like, "she wants to order more stuff" like as if thats the end of the fucking world. like she's seriously over reacting at this point, over, coffee. 


and I'm seriously considering just leaving at this point without a anything from my order because I don't want to deal with this person anymore. 


but then she swings around and is like, "well what did you wanna order" 


and then I ordered a donut, and she was like, "IZ THAT IT." and im like...... ".... yes....." 


like she's seriously yelling at me. 


and she literally looks down and shakes her head and walks away in the most pissed off attitude and like slams my food around shoving things around 


and then shluffs back over to me like, she literally hates me at this point for ordering food at a food service place I don't understand what her problem is 


and then she hands me the shit, and gives me my card and I just said "thanks" in the nicest tone possible 


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last edit on 6/27/2019 6:22:33 PM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: Quit testing me

me calling my mom directly afterward like 

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why are people so mean and terrible 


last edit on 6/27/2019 6:35:27 PM
Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Quit testing me

There are online tools for reporting this sort of stuff. It deals great damage to the staff. Do it, complain to the higher ups. 2 minutes of complaining online and filling up surveys and you'll get a discount and have caused significant damage. Those overpaid monkeys deserve no mercy. You're the one doing them a service for using their business, not them for serving you.

A shadow not so dark.
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