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In this thread, we must discuss the subject at hand as intellectuals. I will present the subject briefly first, in order to offer a good synopsis of what's coming up next. This description is brief and succinct. It should clarify what the topic of conversation is supposed to be.


My first point is somewhat redundant, as it's repeating much of what was said in the intro. However, it does offer a more in-detail analysis of the subject. As such, this is a lengthy description of the topic at hand, details that were previously overlooked are not properly illustrated. It's quite important to keep in mind the scope of this full discussion, otherwise we will be lost in semantics, which is not something anyone wants. By viewing things in perspective, we can dissect them fully, leading us to a clear understanding of the matter at hand. Truly, a naive interpretation might lead us on a path, however, thinking about it in a more profound way, we can see it's not what it seems.


The second point will be the heart of the subject. This part will build on what was previously said and offer some insights that are highly opinionated. Of course, it will not be stated as such, but instead, we will consider it to be the absolute truth. Once this paradigm has been established we can clearly anticipate the conclusion. To further elaborate on this, one cannot truly think one way, without considering this other way of thinking. This impossibility is ridiculous, and as such will make anyone that's against it seem like an utter fool for it.


The third point will humorously and erroneously present a caricature of the possible opposing points. This will solidify our stance as the correct stance. If one would object to our belief, he's to be laughed as, since the contradiction in his thinking is clear as crystal. It's trivial to prove the opposition wrong, and as such, we are to invite anyone foolish enough to contradict us to try, they will fail cool.


The fourth point is a tangent to the subject at hand. We can see that all the assumptions we've made clearly lead to the conclusions we've come to. Since this is the case, a tangential subject that was previously thought to be complicated becomes simple. Our argument merely presented a way to view to main topic, but from this different way, we can infer some meaningful information about an affiliated topic. Since our argumentation is solid, the points we raise about this second topic are clearly correct.


To finish it all up, we must appreciate the depth of  our thinking. Were we not as proficient in the rules of logic itself, we wouldn't have been able to get this far in our presentation of the issues at hand. Surely, others will agree with me when I say that this topic is worthy of an intellectual debate. However, I must say that anyone disagreeing is clearly misguided and has probably made a few errors along the way. I dare not say such individuals are maliciously driven, however, considering how our entourage is filled up with true connoisseurs about the topic, if they are to present an alternate view, one could only assume they have ulterior motives for it.

A shadow not so dark.
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Cheery bye!
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Meta-shitposting

This is a post addressing only a small part of the OP, which paves the way for the ultimate, inevitable derailing of the thread. 

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