You as nearly 40 year old got outsmarted by a 19 year old teenager bro, rip. Half the community left and forum died in the end because of you, hope you're proud. By whining 24/7 in lunas dm about the forums lack of features, you made her emotionally invested into the site which caused her to eventually see no purpose of running the site in the first place. You made her hate free speecg XD
We couldve settled it between us, you didnt wanna. You didnt like us and tried to use the cp excuse to get rid of all "trolls", too bad youre as primitive as you are with the iq of 80 that you have, and failed
Not claiming that i did all by myself, there were others who helped, not because they liked me but simply saw that you were in the wrong
You told loona to add features that repell all attacks which is just not possible. I laughed so hard when she said she will add some AI that detects jim based on his ping XD bro just think about it, you ripped her up