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Stop stalking me! The Legend of Lean Kochman

Posts: 4588

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

I fucking LOVE HER (in a platonic way since i apparently have to make this clear ALLLLLLL the time now) lol i still cant tell if shes trolling or not shes amazing

last edit on 6/25/2019 7:02:38 PM
Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

I would love to meet her irl but she would probably think I was stalking her even if we made actual plans to meet up and hang out lol

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

the one thing with crazies and trolls is always make sure other people know about any sort of plans you have going on with them so they can't snap and turn on you:) this is coming from a master crazy and troll herself so it is great advice take it You're welcome:)

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

Also you spelled Lena* wrong, better brush up on your spelling if you want to be making money doing what you were planning to do for an online job tryptamine lol

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

I doubt that's an act. The way she runs up on someone to confront them and engage in hysterics feels authentic. She thinks postal workers are stalking her and that she's a "temptress"...seems like a case of mania bordering delusions of grandeur. Sadly, Lena's seemed to have disappeared from the net since October of 2017. Her last blog post was "This is deliberate promotion of child rape by the National Park Service."  

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

she thinks shes a temptress? temptress of what, people stalking her lol? she didnt come across that way to me she just seemed either super paranoid or trolling hard

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

At the end of the video, there's a clip of her going on about her looks. She mentions how when she comes up to couples on the street, the women clutch their men because of her prowess.

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

At the end of the video, there's a clip of her going on about her looks. She mentions how when she comes up to couples on the street, the women clutch their men because of her prowess.

 LOLLLLLLLLLLL i missed that part!!!!!!!! shes fucking hilariousss

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Stop stalking me! The L...

I bet she ended up finding a guy who was perfect for her and could handle her insanity and delusions and she is super happy now:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

edit: *insanity and delusions, if shes not trollin lol

last edit on 6/26/2019 12:59:26 AM
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