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awkward moments

Posts: 9539

embarrassing and awkward stories ready set go 


so the leasing agent was giving me a tour of the apartment I ended up renting and currently live in so the story ends happily but. 


me being overly sarcastic and forgetting that not everyone jokes around as much as I do, she was showing me this apartment and she mentioned, that the as oppose to most of the apartments in the complex this ones ceilings were vaulted. and I said, "oh that's just terrible." 


being *completely* 100% sarcastic. 


and she didn't catch the joke, and just started scrambling for positives to tell me about the apartment to reassure the seemingly angry pissed off client. and I'm like oh I was just kidding hahahaaaaa- and we laughed awkwardly together and then I signed and she was happy and I was happy and the world was made whole again. 


the end 

Posts: 5403
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I heard the joke and I laughed 

Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: awkward moments

when I graduated high school and walked across the stage, we had to shake everyones hands you know going across the stage one my one.


and everyone down the line is saying the same thing, "congratulations" "congrats" "congrats!" "congratulations." and I'm just on autopilot like "thanks, thank u, ok, coolio, yup." nervously like get me the fuck off this stage 


and then I get to the last person who is the dean of a really important college in my area, and she asks me, "where are you planning on going to university?" instead of saying congrats like everyone else, and I was jarred by the unexpected question, caught off guard and literally unprepared to answer this question in front of 50,000+ people 


and so all I said was, "no"


and I shook her hand just smiling and she was like


Posted Image


and I walked off the stage straight toward a camera. and then this guy snaps my photo and im like 


Posted Image

last edit on 6/25/2019 5:55:48 PM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: awkward moments

one time after winning a pageant I made a public statement to a facebook group that had literally everyone involved in the pageant community in my fucking state in it 


about the "truth" about pageants and how they're just using people for money and how it's really sad, that it's all done for profit. 


and then my mom made me call the directors of the pageant personally and apologize for what I said. But I did it really begrudgingly with no heart behind it, which was apparent. 


and yeah I just made it really clear in the facebtook post that I hated everyone in the pageant community and that I thought they were scum trying to paint themselves as good people who genuinely had zero morals or values- and they were just money grubbing losers acting like pretentious fag cunts stealing money from people but posing as like 'uppidity rich people' 


this makes me cringe so much to even admit this but yes I *actually* did that 


because I was experiencing burn out/ a slight mental breakdown from stress lmfao my mom had me running around in this film that was being filmed in New Orleans (I was working on two at the same time) and jus tweeting with agents and managers left and right, while still submitting auditions on the side which took a lot of work- while I was still in school, and had just been put through the ringer to win this stupid pageant (not my first go, it took several tries- so I was really burnt out- a lot of work goes into trying to win those things). 


so when I finally won I realized I didn't want to deal with all the stupid shit like showing up and waving in parades and going golfing with the fucking owners of a yacht club because I literally was so stressed about it and didn't have time... and like when you show up to these things you have to look perfect and be all high energy and I was just so exhausted and stressed. 




and this all over the phone btw, we aren't even in the same state and she's managing all of my travels and shit from afar and im doing all my schoolwork from afar on my own, traveling around to different states on my own, living in New Orleans and going to film sets at 4am on my own, and then after we would film- it'd be like 3am by the time you get home because you have to go out with the people afterward because if you don't go then you're weird and they think you don't like them!!!!!!!!!! and so I was working all day long and then sleeping none and literally didn't even have time to shower. 


so yeah I was... it was the stress. of all of that life I was pushed into. just. reaction to 


I felt bad for being kind of mean afterward so. lol. like "oh here's 10,000 dollars" and I'm like "lol fuck you all" 

last edit on 6/25/2019 6:17:12 PM
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