a few nights ago I dreamt that I was in this room of many individuals, the setting was actually rehab I went to, we were all sitting in the big circle in the room we had meetings. and we were trying to figure out who was the host of the dream and who was just an NPC. And then I explained the nature in which I was experiencing the dream in that I had autonomy over myself but not over the environment as it spawned itself on its own volition. and the others didn't seem to understand what I was talking about it just kind of went over their head. but the determined that I was the host of the dream. 

I myself wasn't sure if I was the host so it was kind of weird, but when I came to the realization that I was in made sense and I was sort of glad I was and not just one of the others. 



Last night I dreamt that I was in some guys really nice house. I don't really remember why we were there, but we were just doing something, he was about like 50. And then I slowly started picking up on cue's that something was off and this guy wasn't like, 'right'. I wasn't *sure* but I Just like got subtle vibes that I may be unsafe and shouldn't trust him, and should get out. 

So I started making my way out kind of like "yeah I uh, I have to go to the bathroom..." [finds the exit]. And the harder I tried to find the exit the more there was this constant turning into hallways, through more doors, into dead ends with no windows like, small bathrooms and things like that. And I kept turning and turning and finding myself like lost and couldn't get out. 

And then he found me where I was cornered at a dead end in this tight hallway leading to nothing but more tiny bathrooms lol and so I just like put my feet up on the walls of the hallway to get taller than him and he grabbed my neck trying to kill me 

and I forced my thumbs into his eye balls. and when I realized it was killing him I stopped for a second but I realized he was not loosening his grip and was going to kill me so I had to kill him. And then I continued pressing my thumbs into his skull through his eyeballs until they squished out and exploded. 

And then he sort of just fell into the wall and died, and I just grabbed my keys out of my pocket and ran to my car which was parked outside. 


And then when I got outside there was someone else trying to stop me, and I just pointed my keys at them and said, "STAY BACK. OR ELSE." and they stayed back and I got into my car and drove as quickly as possible away. For some reason my cousin was now with me in the front seat. 


And then there was something else going on after that but it's vague in my memory. Something about a parking lot at night, and then we were in a swamp with my family in a canoe and there was like strange, monsters sort of like gators in the swamp and we were trying to get away from them.