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high school

Posts: 9539

how'd u dress 

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band t-shirts 98% of the time

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boring sweaters 

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layers on layers on layers 

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long knitted things, mine were longer than this. I really don't know why but I thought this was stylish. 

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baseball tees 

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cardigans and knits, preferred buttons 

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the longer the better 

and then just random jeans usually with way too many holes and basically falling apart 

I always wore a few ugly mismatched rings and an ugly ass necklace with random charms on it that all meant a lot to me, and usually this black bracelet that was like, made of lots of strings and strappy looking. it was hand made by some kids organization and I got it to donate money to the charity


last edit on 6/24/2019 9:51:50 AM
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: high school

Black dress shoes, grey dress pants, white shirt, blue tie with silver stripes, and a navy blue blazer. ( It was optional to wear a blue vest or the blue vest and the blazer ). 

Final year of high school was at a public school so I was more of a light blue jean jacket type of guy with converse. I also wore English caps, and no one cares about this subject.

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