Visible from the Americas and parts of asia. Starts at ~2:30 am EST, peaks at 4:43 am EST, ends at ~6:50 am EST. Prenumbal, not a full eclipse, the moon will look like a shadow is moving over it.
I fell asleep and missed it
how do you feel about missing it?
Eh. A little disappointed but only like a 2 on a scale of 1-10. It was only a partial eclipse. Still cool, but I would be more upset if I missed a full regular eclipse that I was pressed to watch. Also I finally got my sleep schedule back to a fairy regular time. Going to bed/ waking up a little earlier than Alice which isn't ideal, but it's the same bedtime/ wake up time I was on when I was in elementary school so it isn't too skewed from the norm. I'm glad to have not thrown it out of whack again.
Sc is pretty boring.
last edit on
11/29/2020 4:16:08 PM