That saddens me, too. Disgusting creeps like you who believe that a scent has to be shoved right up somebody's nose to register should just die already.
You ppl must stick a lot of drugs up your gourds to have such damaged olfactory nerves that you can't smell dirty laundry from 2 feet away.
You're of no use to society like that.
Or maybe somebody beat your olfactory nerves right out of your nose for the stupid things you say to somebody who complains about working.
Yeah, picking up somebody else's laundry to wash it is work. It is a chore. But you probably wouldn't know that bc you probably have a psych ward janitor picking up your cheesy underwear.
That must be why you spend so much time here, fixated on these idiots and the lies they tell.
You need some new material, loser.
Your line of shit was stupid 5 years ago, and it's even dumber, now that my son has been doing his own laundry for most of that time.
You don't even seem to realize that the post you've been misquoting