2+ more years to go:
Luna Prey said:Okay, so I think it's fair to say that we as individuals have created a sort of community here, and as such we get to see a certain side of each other that most people rarely get the chance to see. Perhaps, than, we know each other a little bit better when we are able to community anonymously without the fear of society's judgement, and perhaps that relationship we share is good for us and good for humanity.
Anyway, I would like to know you guys more! So I have a survey.
How old are you?
Do you want humans to be happy?
What's your biggest dream?
Do you chase your dreams?
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Have you ever been "in love"?
How much money do all your friends owe you combined?
How do you combat bad-health?
Would you ever consider living on the moon?
What is the skill you have that your most proud of?
Please answer them all honestly! This is how we can learn about each other and become stronger as a community.
This is post 650 for me. With that in mind, I'd like to invoke immunity for this thread from trolls and derailers on the mutual respect all posters have for reaching large even numbers in terms of post counts. Thanks again!
SensitiveSoul said:How old are you? 35
Do you want humans to be happy? If that means dumb, then no
What's your biggest dream? Getting published... and read
Do you chase your dreams? Somewhat
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Hiding in a small cabin away from the world
Have you ever been "in love"? No
How much money do all your friends owe you combined? 900 dollars
How do you combat bad-health? I try to not eat crap
Would you ever consider living on the moon? Sure. Although I do need oxygen...
What is the skill you have that your most proud of? Poetry writing? Heck IDK..