We're all so damn human. From the most powerful billionaire to the lowest bum.
So very human and monkey-like.
Shot to the head and bam you're dead.
It feels so silly to me, having all those glorified chimpanzees walk around and play pretend. All of them, only human after all. It's madness, that's what it is, to judge such creatures on some sort of higher standards than you would beasts.
Looking at it from above, it's all so damn funny. You can use and abuse them right to rise to the top. You can rebel against the "system" and get fucked. But tell me, with those choices, are you truly free? Did you really exert your will?
I doubt it. You simply reacted to the state of things. Perhaps that's okay. It can be your will to react after all. But, was it really, in this case? Did you really choose to do what you do? Or is it simply the product of external factors? Are you a machine, or is there a living breathing soul inside of you?
I wonder a lot.
I'd like to think, there is some free will left around. And as absurd and impractical as it might be, to act upon it, for me at least, is more precious than all the riches in the world. True liberation, a yell of freedom coming from the depths of slavery.