What's in a single, sustained, repeated tone? Well as it turns out- a lot. You could drag out and sustain virtually anything- a wind chime, a guitar, an election, a single sound from your mouth. The possibilities are endless.
Yes indeed, drone truly is a vast frontier. Henceforth it breeds wild experimentation. It turns out there are millions of way to slowly change, transition, and add to a drone piece.
Speaking of experimentation, the germans knew a lot about that. After they were done with prisoners of war they moved onto soundwaves. That's how we ended up with this dissonant masterpiece-
For all you sociopaths out there, you'll find this piece is perfect for homicidal rumination.
But why stop there? That's exactly what Kurt Kobain's best bud said around the time he offed himself. Yes indeed, only a dysfunctional mind could produce this kind of chaos-
And then these guys came along and added some black metal vocals to it, perfection:
There you go, 3 full albums of angry darkness. Now let's turn on the lights. It isn't all doom and gloom in drone world. After you've planned how you're gonna make your archnemesis have a fatal boating accident, lighten up with this deep cut-
Alright. After 2 hours of that you should have reached nirvana. See? Drone is an emotional rollercoaster. But that isn't enough. I want you to feel bad about those homicidal thoughts. Listen to this and think about your behavior-
Now that you've sufficiently beat yourself up, end it on this note-
There we have it. Your drone journey is complete. If you're not a fan now, maybe Cardi B would suit you better. If you are now, you're welcome.