This has been an argument in a number of metaphysical circles since 2016. These circles play with the same form of metaphysics I subscribe to in fact though we all have our flavors and depending on the flavor you land in the Populars prediction or the Ceasars prediction.
The idea is that we live in what is called the Faustian Civilization which is a manifestation of western culture distinct from any other and began around ~1000-1200 AD and continues to this day.
Much like the Greeco-Roman morphology this culture began with its center in one place and ended it in another. Greeco-Roman started in Greece and then shifted to Rome, we started in Europe and then shifted to the Americas. We are now in the Roman Republic stage of that morphology and will soon be entering the Empire stage.
Some believe Trump is the signifier for this transition much like Caesar was for Rome. There's even belief that the Triumverate has formed where Trump is a Crassus character whom will ultimately lose but leave the ground work laid for the actual Caesar to rise.
That's the more exciting of the options.
The other is that Trump is Gracchus from the Populares revolution in 133 B.C. which too would destine him for death.