i'll be gone for an hour or so, don't worry okay? keep it cool, stay posted. the xadman will stick around
stay homo you fags
lol is that discussion I had with Tryp still on your mind?
Yes I thoroughly disagree. Tho most nearly worthless humans do show room for improvement.
Blanc is around the height of the "fixable" scale (bonus points for being cute :* )
Whereas, the psycho who cut off his mom's head and fucked her bleeding neck hole deserves a painful death.
Was that Kemper? I don't remember. Too lazy to look it up :P
I'm all for bringing back gladiator pits to deal with monsters like that guy.
Instead of spending money on them and letting them exploit and victimize us, we should drag our maximum utility out of them with the blunt end of some other psycho's axe :D
They'd be earning their keep in the form of stadium revenues, beer and hot dog sales, and bets, like race horses. We could even sell t shirts and use the money to compensate their victims' families.
The prize would be a $500k community start up fund and a free but non transferrable house to live in for life, for one convict every other year for male violent freaks, and maybe one every 5 years for women (bc women commit violent crimes far less often.) We could have the contest in different years for different countries' prison systems. We could even turn the games into a holiday celebration around Mabon or Samhain or Walpurgis.
The fighters themselves could also regain their status in the community as bringers of wealth, rather than cannibal monsters (or w/e their extremely violent crime was.)
Chimpo said:every human being has rights based on the very fact that they are conscious
I agree with this yes, however my definition of human depends on the being having a functioning IQ. Below that point someone still has rights like a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but tards shouldn't be voting or be allowed to adopt children for example. Someone who needs to be spoon fed (because of mental disability not physical disability) shouldn't have the right to hold public office.
i believe that humans are intrinsically valuable
i believe that life's value is a relative concept
I don't feel like these are adequate response options to the prompt. You went from talking about "humans" to talking about "life" and well... my opinion is above.
I vote they are both true, and since I can't actually vote for both I am commenting here. Go ahead and throw a fit bc I answered in comments and not on the poll or make better poll options bro.