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After Turncoat's advertisements, I started to go through 8kun posts

I started using shrooms while I was homeless earlier this year in an effort to kill my ego. I could feel the presence of the lord more closely and could see things on a more universal scale.

Now I'm hooked.

Posts: 2266
1 votes RE: 8kun

I've been watching a lot of right wing extremist groups on telegram the last month, there's thousands of them. 

They all share documents on guerrilla warfare and how to make guns + videos of training and racist rants. 

The content is Gold but also kind of scary at times. 

Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun

I guess I can try to keep my 8kun cross-posting to this topic. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun
Anon ID: ec542b 
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Fox News totally betrayed Republicans and Trump.

To the point where FoxNews has pivoted to being a full blown CNN 2.0 now, where before today they were just a mini CNN.

Their loss leader was being a soft criticism of democrats and leftism, until finally harvesting their crop by announcing Joe Biden's "victory" in sync with leftist media today.

If you watch fox news now they are on a tare saying how Trump has no chance in the courts and keep saying REPEATED, "president elect biden".

Big blow, but it was to be expected.


And now as they give a bunch of phony sounding victory speeches. Disgusting.

Fuck fox news.

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Are you a "final solution is the only solution" person?

fuck off, that's subverted national socialism; and you are scum.

Halocaust pushing Jewish elites are an enemy of National Socialism, that's for sure; but they're not the only enemy, and not all jews are bad.

Israel is a beachhead against a Muslim/Turk controlled middle east, you fucking moron.

I'm not even saying I like the idea of a religiously jewish state, but it's better than handing it over to fucking palestinian arab muslims turk roaches.

All you fagots know is, "jew = bad, a hurrr". Go join a skinhead crew you gullible moron. fuck off.


Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/8/2020 2:20:46 AM
Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun


Anon ID: a69756
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Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/8/2020 2:17:29 AM
Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun
From 'How to deal with modern women?': 

Anon ID: fed0df
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For me, this is the single most demoralizing thing, even worse than shitskin infestations and faggot takeover in various countries. That is probably because I know solutions to the latter and it will probably collapse on itself, but I do not know whether or not we will be able to reverse, or more like fix the first.

The source of the problem is the society that allows them to be extremely entitled. Now that would be "easy" to fix, by going back to the old ways, but there is a fundamental flaw in them too. You see, I never ever have seen a woman who lacks this, given that she has at least mediorcre looks. It just doesnt happen. Sure you will see ugly girls in wholesome package, but when you move through the facade, you realize it is just a scheme to aquire status, compensate, but given the opportunity, they would do the same as the more psysically attractive females. Other than that its instant gratification whores.Its all them, they are the center of the world and they never ever want to put energy into anything that doesnt accomplish that. That includes important causes, any value-creating work, but most importantly marriage and bearing children. Now I'm sure we could manage without the first two, women never added much to those, but we are absolutely fucked without the ability to reproduce and provide those kids with stable families. They dont want kids, they dont want a job, they have no ambition other than the ambiguous "travel", "party" or watch netflix.

This is not trying to be a demoralizatrion thread, more like an inquiry about what a mans attitude should be towards this. What can we do other than the meme answer "get a white wife and reproduce?". Its not that simple unfortunately.

Anon ID: cf0aaa
You only think that flaw in women is fundamental because your only experience is with modern women raised in a feminist society. Going back to the old ways would fix the sense of entitlement as well as its being raised to believe everything should be given to them on a silver platter simply for having a vagina thats made them entitled. Though to be fair that sense of entitlement isn't purely instilled in women but pretty much all millennials at this point.

Yeah and its fucking depressing being a millenial, given that I was given a completely different, more conservative upbringing. Never could identify with the stupid bullshit some people are trying to pull.

Anon ID: 5d8827
Anon ID: cf0aaa
You only think that flaw in women is fundamental because your only experience is with modern women raised in a feminist society. Going back to the old ways would fix the sense of entitlement as well as its being raised to believe everything should be given to them on a silver platter simply for having a vagina thats made them entitled. Though to be fair that sense of entitlement isn't purely instilled in women but pretty much all millennials at this point.

All women have behaved this way since the beginning of time. This reminds me, just the other day I was looking up German general Werner von Fritsch and saw this amusing quote.

> During the interwar period, Fritsch served in the Weimar Republic's Armed Forces (Reichswehr). In 1924, Fritsch wrote a letter to Joachim von Stülpnagel [de] where he expressed his hatred of democracy and his hope that General Hans von Seeckt would carry out a putsch to establish a military dictatorship.[2] Fritsch declared he was totally opposed to seeing another "black, red and gold cur" as Chancellor (a reference to the colours of the Weimar Republic's flag) and wrote that he believed that Germany was being ruined by "the propaganda of the Jewish papers".[2] Fritsch ended his letter with a list of all whom he hated:

> For in the last resort Ebert, pacifists, Jews, democrats, black, red, and gold, and the French, 'and these women, and the whores, and the like, all cunts with the only exception of mother, these females, I tell you, are all the same thing, namely the people who want to destroy Germany. There may be small differences, but in the end it all amounts to the same. We can trust only ourselves. Trustworthyness, Truth & love only there is among us, German Men. Prösterchen, prostata ![2]

I remember the stories I heard from the olden times. My grandmother was the kind of woman who wouldve given her life for her folks. The methods that make women grow up like that and permanently suppress their nature is not there anymore unfortunately.

In a way, a lot of men turn out extremely shitty too. Its hard to put all the blame on women, since it was men influenced by jews, who allowed the situation to get out of control in the first place.

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/8/2020 2:58:55 AM
Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun

From 'How to deal with modern women?': 

Anon ID: 5ee158
Anon ID: a0f16c
Anon ID: 5ee158
Anon ID: a0f16c
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The problem is that women are from birth engraved with the notion that they are somehow equal to men. Throughout history, women have never brought much to the table in any area, but that is still very true, despite all the feminist efforts of the last few decades with women now entering virtually every male-dominated field. Women, on a sub-conscious level, understand this but are still focused on the idea that they should be able to compete with men in academia, science, technology, sports, business, etc. When they inevitably fail, they childishly take their frustrations out on the male part of the population. This is what causes their bitchy behavior and is a self-defense mechanism working to shield them from their own inherent lack of agency. The solution is simple really: Women have to start understanding that they will have to work very hard if they are to succeed and that you get nothing for free. Human males simply have a much stronger tendency for success. This understanding should hopefully foster better relations between the sexes. The only problem is that it goes against decades of feminist thought.

Engraved? Do you mean to say they are somehow born with that notion already inside them or do you mean to say that they are being "engraved" by propaganda from a very young age? It is correct that the assumption and belief in female equality is at the heart of our current troubles but that is absolutely not something that females are born with, believe me. In a natural environment without a warped and misguided artificial culture feeding them lies and men adhering to those lies as well, they would not hold this insane belief. Female equality is one of the many very obvious falsehoods people in the developed world are required to profess belief in that makes us all go insane. I'm so fucking sick of it, everybody but the most insane knows it's bullshit but we all have to pretend or be cast out from polite society. It is maddening.

But it is not an inherent belief of females that they are equal to men.

Indeed. I obviously meant that women are from a very early age fed the idea that equality exists between the sexes, not that they are born with it.

Yes and that myth of equality and its widespread acceptance is very much the ideological root cause of our destruction as a society. Not just between the sexes but equality between the races and equality between individuals too. Which is of course all bullshit. The natural reality of things is that they exist in a hierarchy. Somebody is always at the top, somebody is always at the bottom and most people fall in the middle. We know this from studies, it is fucking known to science but society is being lied to and required to repeat the lie in order not get cast out.

The steadfast believe in equality is what is fueling the feverish madness in trying to find and eradicate "Systemic racism". These people would murder their own grandmother if they though she stood in the way of achieving equality. It's really become the new religion of the left. One that they worship and are willing to kill for.


Anon ID: 5ee158
It's like people suddenly forgot all about the nature of women. This whole equality bullshit really did a number on so many people. I see it so often, idiots go from thinking females are equal to then getting "redpilled" and thinking females are inherently rotten and irredeemable.


Let me tell you about females. They are weak, have no initiative and they are incredibly malleable, they like to be lead, they like to follow, they do not want to feel responsible. That means they always try as best they can to what they are told and what is expected of them. If they fail at this they start resenting themselves and go mad.

Now, one giant issue is the information age we are living in. It has changed everything. Females don't just get their cues from their fathers, their family and the local community. No, they get it from mass media, schools, governments, magazines, books, youtube, etc. Our society is rotten, and women adopt that. They try to perfect it, be the best little independent, strong equality whores they can be. They aren't misbehaving, they are doing as they are told.

That's the point you have to understand. They are doing what they think is expected of them because all the sources of authority tell them to behave this way. Women aren't virtuous by nature but neither are they rotten and useless by nature. By nature women are adaptable, they will try to be what is expected of them. Build a society where good things are expected of women and women will do good things. It's that simple. If that isn't good enough for you, women aren't for you then.


Anon ID: 5ee158
Anon ID: 0f4faf
Anon ID: 697a1f
Obviously you live a extremely sheltered faggoty life if you think women are a worse problem that being surrounded by niggers.

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They definitely aren't a worse problem but the issue with women is that they are extremely manipulative, and at the same time easily manipulated. Niggers are just dumb apes that gobble up kike propaganda and can't really weaponize their fake reality (unless they have kikes doing it for them) because they are dumb as a rock. The average white female has the same IQ as a "smart" nigger. With niggers, once you take out the source of their brainwashing, they will just follow whatever you present to them. Women will fight against it and try to manipulate you in the process, whether it be through sexuality, feminism, reverse psychology, or other known heeb tactics, to get what they want.

Women aren't problem if there isn't anybody to make them into one. Weak men enabling women to be a problem is an actual problem. Women will flock towards the dominant ideology (see conversion to Islam in the UK, tradthots in the USA during the rise of the "Alt-right") because they have no spine, they aren't designed with one as is their nature. There's no fixing women without fixing the actual bigger issues first and once that's done women will actually not need anymore fixing because they will simply fall into place.

But there is no changing or fixing women for good. They will always by nature be cowards because they are by nature weak. It is not evil that drives them but weakness. They are not meant to fight, they are not meant to be courageous, they are not even meant to be loyal. They are meant to be protected, cared for, loved for their weakness (who would want to fuck a strong women, only a sexual pervert, pussy is meant to be weak and fucked by a strong cock). In return they serve you, admire you and worship you and they love doing that because it is their purpose. It's what they are meant to do and they will if you are worthy of it by being able to actually protect them and shield them from harm and provide a comfortable life for them.

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/8/2020 3:14:22 AM
Posts: 33591
0 votes RE: 8kun
From 'How to deal with modern women?' (again)
Anon ID: 780ec6
Anon ID: 996f80 said:
Anon ID: 5ee158
But there is no changing or fixing women for good. They will always by nature be cowards because they are by nature weak. It is not evil that drives them but weakness. They are not meant to fight, they are not meant to be courageous, they are not even meant to be loyal. They are meant to be protected, cared for, loved for their weakness

How can you love someone that you know you can't trust?

Women won't accept their roles as mothers and wives again until they have had their perceptions re-aligned by a dose of reality big enough to terrify a self-deluding person.

That said, they are working hard to bring these conditions about. After they turned on their men and married the state, they are now destroying that as well, dismantling things like the police, which are the only things still keeping them safe.

We have to be better than mere men to survive this world, because our imperatives as men will drag us down into the depths. We have to become super beings.

Why cant we just wait for the collapse and then collect a harem of rape slaves mad max style? See far more straightforward to me

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Anon ID: 110877
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There's still decent women out there but it might take you 10 years to find her and many different avenues.

Here's a good start though. Be the ideal man you think your ideal woman is seeking, like a fisherman prepares his bait.

For instance, if you want a wholesome woman that wants a man to take charge and wouldn't mind staying home wouldn't you need to be the kind of man that can support her? This means a pretty damn good job, since it's not cheap to raise a family these days.

If you want a woman to have trust in your ability to protect her, then evolutionarily speaking you should have a little tribe. That means be active in a church community or have really tight knit neighbors that aren't fly by night, but are deeply rooted.

A woman who is beautiful will demand a man who is handsome. It's not enough to just work out if you look like Shaggy from scooby do. You should pick a nice haircut that brings out the best of your features, shave or groom a beard and dress well most of the time so she feels special. Give her the opportunity to dress up too! If you're in the military find military balls to show off your formal service dress, or get a nicely tailored suit and take her ballroom dancing (if you don't know how, then learn). If you do not have a woman, then these are places you can meet women (and other good men).

Is this a lot? Yes, it's a fuck ton. But that's what women want, and have wanted, for a very long time and if it makes her happy and makes her feel special then wouldn't that make you happy to see her smile?

As for a location, I'd suggest looking for towns or small cities and just avoid the really big cities, maybe 30k population or less, one main street etc.. It's a good balance between rural and urban where the urban is established enough to pull from the rural, but small enough to allow the rural to flourish. This is what a city is supposed to be afterall, just a collection and expression of the rural, not a self fulfilling behemoth of hedonism..

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Anon ID: e7b693
Anon ID: 780ec6
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The invention of sex robots and artificial wombs will break womens' monopoly on power. Currently, females are allowed to get away with being emotional, entitled cunts because the control exclusive access to the unironic means of reproduction. After men invent ways to make women obsolete for a few generations, theyll no longer be worshipped and put on a pedestal. We'll take away their right to vote and once females are utterly and thoroughly broken theyll be ready to accept their proper place at the bottom of society

Or you could just ban birth control, welfare and paying child support then they’ll be our slaves again instead of “I don’t need no man” . Kindre,Kirche, Kiche (children, kitchen, church in German)

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Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/8/2020 3:49:15 AM
Posts: 2266
2 votes RE: 8kun

From telegram right-wing groups.

There are several different pages but all part of the same network. Pages are geared towards motivational propoganda, tutorials on gun making and overally warfare, and news. Each page has a different focus, there's even ones for memes. 

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HateLAB said:
Warrior Class

People in these circles like to throw around the phrase “equality is a false god”. Then, a moment later they’ll complain about something not “being fair”. When you really think about it, to even say “equality is a false god” is actually just a complaint about things not being fair.

When others champion “equality” while treating you unfairly, then they are in fact demonstrating inequality.. And inequality is the true god, right?

We all have mental barriers and being constantly inundated with catchy propaganda, it’s easy to get into a parroting mode. This is a good thing for most people, especially when their worldview is rapidly changing, making the necessary mental transitions easier. This also helps to become more cohesive to the overall collective. What I’ve written thus far is for you, for most people, so that it may help you understand that what follows is not for you but for the Warrior Class. You don’t need to understand it or agree with it, your opinion on this matter isn’t relevant. This isn’t said with any malice, it is simply an “unfair” reality.

This is for the 2% of modern men that enjoy combat and don’t feel remorse for killing. Notice, I said modern men. Like all things modern, the Warrior Class has faced extreme levels of involution.

I would argue that most of the awakened Warrior Class is already in prison or living outside the law, on the brink of the former. Military soldiers are not Warriors, they are international pigs of the ZOG precinct, being paid to enforce this anti-White, cybernetic-pedo-demon, neoliberal, world order. That isn’t to say they don’t have fighting skills but they fight for jewish money, Warriors fight for Race.

The rest of the Warrior Class has been awakening these last few years. In the very near future you will see great Warriors, the likes of which Hollywood would love to buy the screenplay for. That is, assuming Hollywood isn’t burnt to the ground and all the elite angel investor’s wings ripped off and turned into blood eagles.

So, what is a Warrior?

First, lets remind ourselves of the quadripartite hierarchy of civilizations.

1st - Spiritual Authority
2nd - Warrior Nobility
3rd - Merchants (bourgeoisie)
4th - Basic Laborers (slaves)

The properly Aryan civilization is concentrated in the two primary castes (Spiritual/Warrior) which then determine the values and culture of the entire peoples.

For those that scoff at the idea of castes reforming in modern day, they simply don’t understand the organic nature of male(White) hierarchy that begins to form when left to themselves. Even more so, when the soft power mechanisms of modernity begin to crumble during societal collapse. If you don’t understand this, you’re not a Warrior, or even a proper Man for that matter.

The current war then, is against political-merchants and jews aka The Pig-System, who have usurped supreme authority and mobilized the armed forces of democratic countries to defend their moneyed, global interests. All while relegating you, a Warrior, to the slave caste. Now, there is nothing wrong with being true to your nature, in fact simply working a supportive role may be exactly what you’re best at. Be true to your nature, that is honorable. But if your nature is not of the slave caste, then..

You understand that this is a righteous Holy War that can only be won with blood.

You feel a Spiritual duty to drive your enemies into the sea or hang them from the trees, no matter the risk to your life.

You see war as an end in itself to defeat those enemies not just without but also within, becoming more than merely human, the Path of God.

You understand that action coupled with Spiritual intelligence, returns you a victor.

You know that combat, war, heroism… Absolute Glory, is your unrealized transcendent heritage.

You will fight and you will die a Hero or you will fight and you will conquer the enemy to rule an earthly kingdom, either way..

That is a Warrior. You are the leader.

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Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: 8kun

I missed 8Chan, I didn't know it respawned.

I'm not a big fan of the politics sections of Chans in general, people seem to get really twisted up about things. I see that as capitulating to the media narrative, even if you're getting it from the "red pilled" people or MGTOW or whatever. Go run for office or randomly plant fliers if you care that much. Get a firearm now if that's the kind of thing you're worried about.

The other stuff there is cool, though. It has a less politically correct version of 4Chan vibe to it.

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