From telegram right-wing groups.
There are several different pages but all part of the same network. Pages are geared towards motivational propoganda, tutorials on gun making and overally warfare, and news. Each page has a different focus, there's even ones for memes.
Warrior Class
People in these circles like to throw around the phrase “equality is a false god”. Then, a moment later they’ll complain about something not “being fair”. When you really think about it, to even say “equality is a false god” is actually just a complaint about things not being fair.
When others champion “equality” while treating you unfairly, then they are in fact demonstrating inequality.. And inequality is the true god, right?
We all have mental barriers and being constantly inundated with catchy propaganda, it’s easy to get into a parroting mode. This is a good thing for most people, especially when their worldview is rapidly changing, making the necessary mental transitions easier. This also helps to become more cohesive to the overall collective. What I’ve written thus far is for you, for most people, so that it may help you understand that what follows is not for you but for the Warrior Class. You don’t need to understand it or agree with it, your opinion on this matter isn’t relevant. This isn’t said with any malice, it is simply an “unfair” reality.
This is for the 2% of modern men that enjoy combat and don’t feel remorse for killing. Notice, I said modern men. Like all things modern, the Warrior Class has faced extreme levels of involution.
I would argue that most of the awakened Warrior Class is already in prison or living outside the law, on the brink of the former. Military soldiers are not Warriors, they are international pigs of the ZOG precinct, being paid to enforce this anti-White, cybernetic-pedo-demon, neoliberal, world order. That isn’t to say they don’t have fighting skills but they fight for jewish money, Warriors fight for Race.
The rest of the Warrior Class has been awakening these last few years. In the very near future you will see great Warriors, the likes of which Hollywood would love to buy the screenplay for. That is, assuming Hollywood isn’t burnt to the ground and all the elite angel investor’s wings ripped off and turned into blood eagles.
So, what is a Warrior?
First, lets remind ourselves of the quadripartite hierarchy of civilizations.
1st - Spiritual Authority
2nd - Warrior Nobility
3rd - Merchants (bourgeoisie)
4th - Basic Laborers (slaves)
The properly Aryan civilization is concentrated in the two primary castes (Spiritual/Warrior) which then determine the values and culture of the entire peoples.
For those that scoff at the idea of castes reforming in modern day, they simply don’t understand the organic nature of male(White) hierarchy that begins to form when left to themselves. Even more so, when the soft power mechanisms of modernity begin to crumble during societal collapse. If you don’t understand this, you’re not a Warrior, or even a proper Man for that matter.
The current war then, is against political-merchants and jews aka The Pig-System, who have usurped supreme authority and mobilized the armed forces of democratic countries to defend their moneyed, global interests. All while relegating you, a Warrior, to the slave caste. Now, there is nothing wrong with being true to your nature, in fact simply working a supportive role may be exactly what you’re best at. Be true to your nature, that is honorable. But if your nature is not of the slave caste, then..
You understand that this is a righteous Holy War that can only be won with blood.
You feel a Spiritual duty to drive your enemies into the sea or hang them from the trees, no matter the risk to your life.
You see war as an end in itself to defeat those enemies not just without but also within, becoming more than merely human, the Path of God.
You understand that action coupled with Spiritual intelligence, returns you a victor.
You know that combat, war, heroism… Absolute Glory, is your unrealized transcendent heritage.
You will fight and you will die a Hero or you will fight and you will conquer the enemy to rule an earthly kingdom, either way..
That is a Warrior. You are the leader.