just a thread for the election, since we have so many we should just have a single one for the important stuff
I was a little dismayed that the election was so close, so I put the skills I learned in Cultural Anthro on the problem, treating Pumpkinhead supporters as if I were Jean Luc Picard making First Contact with some neat new alien race.
I was specifically interested in smthg Tony said about "mass arrests" *le sigh*
I was hoping that was just a meme....
But I must conclude that ppl whose worldview begins in childhood with a little of this:
And gets through adolescence and early adulthood with a whole lot more of that:
People who hold to this type of worldview are strangely susceptible to promises of hunt 'em down and round 'em up narratives like this one:
It's like their entire way of relating to the world and life as we know it is based on ads for DDT and other such nasty forms of pest control.
This is very unfortunate. Not just for the people who Pumpkinhead and his followers want to attack. But for those crazies, themselves.
Because, srsly, folks. It took me 2 whole hours to catch the threads of your inane narratives and follow them to their (not so) logical conclusions.
If I were... anywhere, and some nutjob with a head full of conspiracy theories with unspoken premises that only make sense to other crazies came up and started screaming at me about treason, I would brace myself for a physical confrontation, and defend myself by any means necessary. Y'all are like Bucky Barnes and his Russian trigger words ffs.
Pumpkinhead still has another 2 months to stir up the crazy among this particular segment of the American people. And ofc the people they attack will defend themselves.
It's almost comical how unlikely it is that Pumpkinhead and whoever is still working for him 4 years later will arrest Hillary, Comey, Obama,etc. on charges of treason and w/e else. But there will definitely be even more and worse riots in the US than the BLM protests of this past summer smh.
Bless your hearts, you poor poor things.