Nothing makes this place more addictive than any other community. It's simply the need for social interaction/drama combined with you conditioning yourself to get it from somewhere. As such, this place is not anymore addictive than any other community of people.
To successfully leave a community of people, you need to get that interaction from somewhere else. Therefore, if someone were to really be intent on "leaving this toxic place waa waa", rather than just shitposting, they would need to first find a different place to satisfy their needs.
If they are unable to satisfy their needs elsewhere, then they shall return. With a big waa waa u guys are bad, which is in fact redirected self-hatred because they were incapable of leaving themselves.
I personally managed to reduce my time spent around here by replacing it with sperging on discord. Though, that's simply beside the scope of wanting to leave in the first place, so pick your poison!