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the 2 Michaels

Posts: 2377

Look dummy Trudeau, grow a pair, fuck the US, trade that bitch Meng Wanzhou for the 2 Michaels. Trump will understand. Just stand up for your people idiot. WTF, its been like 600 days in Chinese prison for the 2 Michaels. Someone aught to kick your fucking ass.




China jailed the ‘two Michaels’ because it regards Canada as a ‘pushover’


The folly of Canada’s soft approach to dealing with China was exposed Friday when Beijing declared that Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are to be tried on separate charges of espionage.

It is a certainty that China will find the Two Michaels guilty, dooming the innocent men to years in jail unless and until a prison swap or deal of some kind can be arranged, most likely a few years after they are convicted.


There has been some sympathy for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s position. The line of thinking has it that Canada has been caught in a steel trap between the U.S. and China that was not of its making. The trap was sprung the moment that the RCMP detained Huawei heiress Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver for potential extradition to the U.S. to face serious fraud charges.




Posts: 2377
0 votes RE: the 2 Michaels

Canada looks like a piece of shit. Get your Michaels home to their families WTF. You wait, they are going to die there.

Trade that bitch out.


"At the same time, the Canadian government will stand its ground on Ms. Meng, who is free to live at her home in Vancouver, and whose many lawyers are pushing her case through a legal system that presumes her innocence. And it will continue to protest the arrests of the two Michaels, and to work with allies to try to rein in the excesses of the Chinese government.

Canada will also work to create alliances independent from China, and build supply chains and trade relationships separate from it.

But while Ottawa does its job, Canadians are daily reminded of the pointless cruelty Beijing has inflicted on two innocent compatriots.

Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig should be home in Canada with their families. Instead they are suffering at the whim of a rigged justice system, permanent hostages to a failed blackmail attempt. Canadians won’t forget this."

last edit on 11/5/2020 11:30:38 PM
Posts: 2377
0 votes RE: the 2 Michaels

Look, sometimes your "principals" have to be sacrificed for what's just and right. Trade her out, get the Michaels back. Claim human decency. and then take her assets in the country. and then fuck the CCP financially forever. looks weak man, real weak.

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