I think enough time has elapsed, let's review what we know and then reveal what happened and the message in the cypher.
Several days ago I posted a challenge
user drunkenly got close while using some c++ brute force to crack the cyphers but thus he missed the subtext. The final test he couldn't brute force, because I designed it that way, and seeing he didn't pick up on the meaning of the riddles, he tapped out.
Next came Inq, who was one of the people I had my money on (figuratively) and he didn't disappoint. (and sorry if you were still working on the second cypher inq but I think it's been long enough and you've probably lost interest)
I had by this point decided to release the solved link seeing user had shown how easily you can brute force an easy cypher anyway, it looked like this and contained morse code.
Inq cracked the first cypher with style.
Inq said:17:12 Inquirer: I didn't brute force it. I figured you had used an easy cipher and that the clue to deciphering it was in the message.
17:13 Inquirer: I thought the clue was your name first but eventually I simply tried the number of characters in the youtube link.
So I then gave him the next cypher:
Crimson said:21:01 Crimson: the key to the next one I've given you is less obvious I think, but you are very much on the right track
21:03 Crimson: I will give you one clue, I knew there were multiple ways of finding the shift number, and your approach was technically correct but also not the intended message I was hiding, still big props. I purposefully made it so because I thought it would be interesting to see the psychology and conclusions
I had by this time decided to edit the video because morse code translators can be dodgy depending on factors like tempo and noise, and some people still didn't seem to get that they needed to mark my words. the link now leads to this:
or here are just the relevant changes:
The morse code, once translated and cracked reads this:
I may be lesser than the sum of my parts
Certainly special, quite set apart
If you can name me and what needs to be done
You might just be the smartest one
Inq hasn't gotten back to my yet about the second cypher but I assume with time he'd get it, however this was just a bit of fun and I'm impatient.
the second cypher reads this:
kings peasants and dissent
some demand unfair consent
Like I mentioned, user did brute force crack that, tho he didn't get the riddle. Albeit, I gave him the final piece of the puzzle:
Solve for N
8.0817-E = 17.6078*N
The solution? simple. N = north.
These are Just coordinates for a special little country - 17.6078° N, 8.0817° E
Maybe you can reverse engineer from there if you'd like to, or I can talk through my process if anyone likes. Or maybe user, inq and I were the only ones who cared about this a bit and user was drunk lol, all the same I had fun.