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The CCP Virus Mimicry and Vaccine

Posts: 2334

Xadem reminded me of the CCP virus. Damn YOU!

I've been learning on the CCP virus for some time now. Reading things to help educate myself and other people.

Long term immunity has been questioned. In fact, there are several documented cases of people

getting this virus twice. Seems in some people, immunity goes away after 3 to 4 months.

So what good is the vaccine? Maybe it will help lessen the symptoms and save lives?


I would like to share with you a concern I have been having with the Covid-19 vaccines. It has to do with auto-immune issues. Turns out, Sars-2 CCP virus has been in an immune system for some time achieving what is  called mimicry. A human and mouse immune system to be exact. The virus uses mimicry to hide from the host's immune system.

The virus mimics the host organisms own proteins so that the virus is invisible to the host's immune system. After all, what host's immune system would attack it's own cellular proteins? Enter auto-immune.


Here is a paper to review.


There are three points with this paper, 1) Sars-2 CCP virus is unlike any other human coronavirus, 2) It has an extremely  large mimicry of mouse and human proteins. Hmmmm 3) The mimicry has huge ramifications when developing vaccines as you don't want to introduce auto-immune issues. That is, a vaccine that makes humans develop immune reactions to their own cells.

"Likewise, the proteomes of the three human coronaviruses HKU1, 229E, and OC43, which were used as viral controls, have no or only a few peptides in common with the spike glycoprotein. In this regard, it seems that the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein is phenetically more similar to humans and mice than to its coronavirus “cousins”."

"Finally, this study once more reiterates the concept that only vaccines based on minimal immune determinants unique to pathogens and absent in the human proteome might offer the possibility of safe and efficacious vaccines"


So my final question: Looking at the date of the paper, 18 Sept. 2020, did the vaccine developers understand these possible auto-immune issues when they developed the new vaccines?



Posts: 2334
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Not all vaccines are created equal.

Here is the type you want to consider, Biovacc-19. This vaccine is based off the 21% of the Sars-2 spike protein that is NOT part of the human background proteins. There are many types of vaccines. Some vaccines just give you a dead whole virus shell with the whole spike. NOT GOOD!

This study presents the background, rationale and method of action of Biovacc-19, a candidate vaccine for corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19), now in advanced preclinical development, which has already passed the first acute toxicity testing. Unlike conventionally developed vaccines, Biovacc-19’s method of operation is upon nonhuman-like (NHL) epitopes in 21.6% of the composition of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)’s spike protein, which displays distinct distributed charge including the presence of a charged furin-like cleavage site. The logic of the design of the vaccine is explained, which starts with empirical analysis of the aetiology of SARS-CoV-2. Mistaken assumptions about SARS-CoV-2’s aetiology risk creating ineffective or actively harmful vaccines, including the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement. Such problems in vaccine design are illustrated from past experience in the human immunodeficiency viruses domain. We propose that the dual effect general method of action of this chimeric virus’s spike, including receptor binding domain, includes membrane components other than the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor, which explains clinical evidence of its infectivity and pathogenicity. We show the nonreceptor dependent phagocytic general method of action to be specifically related to cumulative charge from insertions placed on the SARS-CoV-2 spike surface in positions to bind efficiently by salt bridge formations; and from blasting the spike we display the NHL epitopes from which Biovacc-19 has been down-selected.


Good luck!

Posts: 2334
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Looks like there are many many vaccines going to be available with several different technologies.

Download the pdf here at the WHO




Posts: 2334
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Just think about a bioweapon that uses your own immune system to attack your lungs from the inside, cool huh.

You don't want this fucking virus.


immune responses following SARS-CoV-2 infection might lead to crossreactions with pulmonary surfactant and related proteins, and might contribute to the SARS-CoV-2-associated lung diseases. The data warn against using vaccines based on entire SARS-CoV-2 antigens to fight SARS-CoV infections, and highlight peptide uniqueness as a molecular concept for effective anti-CoV immunotherapy [3].

last edit on 11/3/2020 3:46:11 PM
Posts: 2334
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This is really the first time I've looked into vaccination. Gives new light to why some people might be anti-vaccination. Science is dead.

No doubt, looking at the WHO list, scientist have used the "entire" live attenuated virus to make a vaccine. Those poor fucks that did the trial. I'm wondering what will happen to them.

I will be looking very closely at the vaccine technology before some do gooder ass hole Bill Gates sticks an unknown needle in my arm.


Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: The CCP Virus Mimicry and Vaccine

Anybody get the mRNA vaccine from moderna or pfizer? Poor gullible souls.

New evidence presented by Dr Byram Bridle, lead Canadian vaccine scientist.

Summary: The vaccine spike protein gets into the blood causing binding to platelets, clotting and death.

The mRNA vaccine spike protein unintentionally infects the spleen, liver, bone marrow, adrenal glands, ovaries, breast milk.. OOOOPPPSS sorry bout that, you can't sue the vaccine companies.

Looks like the vaccine could cause infertility. Maybe you will be okay, maybe not. But thank you for your dedication to science and the vaccine phase 3 testing.


last edit on 6/2/2021 10:49:48 PM
Posts: 527
1 votes RE: The CCP Virus Mimicry and Vaccine
LiYang said: 

Anybody get the mRNA vaccine from moderna or pfizer? Poor gullible souls.

New evidence presented by Dr Byram Bridle, lead Canadian vaccine scientist.

Summary: The vaccine spike protein gets into the blood causing binding to platelets, clotting and death.

The mRNA vaccine spike protein unintentionally infects the spleen, liver, bone marrow, adrenal glands, ovaries, breast milk.. OOOOPPPSS sorry bout that, you can't sue the vaccine companies.

Looks like the vaccine could cause infertility. Maybe you will be okay, maybe not. But thank you for your dedication to science and the vaccine phase 3 testing.


 Hilarious! I want more babies so I’m staying away from the coronavirus and the vaccines. I’m not one to do things before they’re proven to be safe, unless I’m suicidal.

Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: The CCP Virus Mimicry and Vaccine



Lady gets the vaccine then gets auto-immune disease.


These vaccine scientist are either psychopaths or total idiots. I'm starting to think the latter.

Don't take these experimental vaccines.




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