Do you not understand what a massive general strike is?,in%20Winnipeg%20refused%20to%20negotiate%20with%20their%20union.
^^ That was just a little one, here in Canada 100 years ago when our population was even tinier and everybody was sickly and broken after the war.
What your people in the half dozen (or more now?) states I mentioned will be at least a hundred times bigger. And if they get half or more of the 48 states to co operate, your Trumptards will be a wreck within a month.
The aim is for ALL industry to shut down in the US. With pressure from the legit president elect, the unions in the half dozen or so states who have already agreed will be met by many others. Shit will get bloody uncomfortable for all y'all, being shut off again so soon after COVID.
The thinking is that if custom no longer matters, and tricky little loophole jumping is suddenly ok, then 2 can play that game.
And good for our side for finally seeing it. I can't wait to see it unfold :)
Anyhoo, I have more important things to think about than your dethroned orange rangytang manbaby.
Stuff to do in the real world, now