History will record the brave little white woman who stood in the coloured line as half the world cursed.
Turncoat said:They kinda are through the filter of cultural privileges. It's why white men can be like "Well why don't they just try harder?".
That's probably not an overwhelmingly popular opinion. I also think that generally, most people just don't have a clue about the economy, or laws of the land in general. People often say those comments about the poor or homeless, or anyone who's in a rough place. It's the old "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" argument. There's a lot of nuance to this situation when you factor in Jim Crow laws, etc., sure.
Turncoat said:How would you have people who feel threatened by the other demographic feel open and free to state their ingrained misconceptions if their supposed enemy is in the same room judging them? They need these "safe spaces" as a first step, even if it's just for small divisions based on the culture of their upbringing.
I think there is room and possibly need for a dialogue. I'm careful to say need, because I believe a lot of the hysteria being generated by the media has to do with this upcoming election. Race did not seem like a big issue in the public mind until the George Floyd case on the eve on an election cycle.
A conversation about race may be due, and I'm happy about what people like Ice Cube are doing. He's focusing on funding for communities and actually getting assurances from politicians and bringing things to public awareness. I also think there is already enough conversation about race going on that it doesn't need to be superimposed onto people trying to work a job, or kids at school. That seems more like brainwashing.
Turncoat said:Google's algorythm is a fucking mess over how it sorts out it's search results based on where you live, blatantly selling misinformation based on your immediate peers in ways that are liable to reinforce the notions. Considering how Google seems convinced that The Bible's our first piece of written literature, I don't have high hopes for how it'd average people's answers through this filter.
I'm not sure if you seen the thread where we posted what I was referring to, but look at the image results for "black woman," "Asian woman," and compare those to "white woman." Or preface all of the searches with the word "happy." It's not just that Google's algorithms are flawed; there's an inherent bias in there. Project Veritas has several videos speaking with workers from Google who explain how the culture there is, and what they are doing to influence this election and politics.
Turncoat said:Feelings aren't as viable as facts, and people acting like they're one and the same furthers the poisons we're currently facing.
I generally agree with this. I guess my thing is that I don't fault people for feeling a certain way. There's going to be some explanation for it that involves whatever degree of reasonability. But I do think if people are faced with refuting evidence, they need to adapt.
Turncoat said:Well yeah, you're a white person.
What's more interesting to me is how Black people are dividing themselves over this notion, but it makes sense to be reminded of our privilege doesn't it? If we aren't, we'd stand to have positions similar to Blanc's on otherwise very important issues.
I don't think people forcefully telling you how to think in overall terms because of your form is bad because I'm white. I think it's bad, because I see this as institutionalized brainwashing motivated by a political agenda. I don't need to be reminded of my "privilege," in fact I grew up with anything but that.
Turncoat said:I disagree.
As long as white people are freaking out about how they're being oppressed, I see value in reassuring them that it's not as bad as they assume. In a similar strain, those of racially of color likely need a place to air their pains and concerns without "the enemy" hearing it if they hope to cleanse themselves of that bile.
We can't just ignore the issues here, they need to be addressed and re-educated.
White people aren't oppressed, but they are being caught in the crossfire of a highly-charged political agenda. People of color are airing out their pains and concerns; I don't think it need be louder than it already is considering there have been riots in 48 out of the most populated 50 cities in the country, making people hysterical and causing violence.
I just pay attention to statistics etc and honestly there's not much convincing data that allows me to infer that blacks suffer from institutionalized racism.
For instance looking at occupation and education, blacks choose high earning degrees and occupations at a much lower rate than all their peers and choose lower earnings degrees and occupations at higher rates than all their peers. The logical inference from this is that they will be lower earners as a population, they will live in poor income neighborhoods, they will have more debt, they will have harder time getting loans etc.
The question is how do you fix that problem. Well fixing whites preconceptions isn't really going to do anything imo because those preconceptions aren't effecting the other minority groups - educated African born and 1st generation blacks are a testament to that. Indians are the highest earners in this country as well and Pakistani, Iranian, and many other brown peoples are doing great to. The fundamental difference seems to be culture and psychology.
I want to solve problems and I imagine Blacks want to solve the same problem as everyone else; how can I make sure my children have a better standard of living than I did?
I just pay attention to statistics etc and honestly there's not much convincing data that allows me to infer that blacks suffer from institutionalized racism.
For instance looking at occupation and education, blacks choose high earning degrees and occupations at a much lower rate than all their peers and choose lower earnings degrees and occupations at higher rates than all their peers. The logical inference from this is that they will be lower earners as a population, they will live in poor income neighborhoods, they will have more debt, they will have harder time getting loans etc.
A lot of this makes sense. I do think many blacks are affected in subtle ways by past laws related to opportunity, gentrification, redlining etc. That was all not long ago, and the reverberations of that are not surprising. The playing hand was not equal, and maybe those areas can use funding. But I'm also tired of people acting like they're totally gridlocked. As Bill Gates said: "If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake."
I just pay attention to statistics etc and honestly there's not much convincing data that allows me to infer that blacks suffer from institutionalized racism.
For instance looking at occupation and education, blacks choose high earning degrees and occupations at a much lower rate than all their peers and choose lower earnings degrees and occupations at higher rates than all their peers. The logical inference from this is that they will be lower earners as a population, they will live in poor income neighborhoods, they will have more debt, they will have harder time getting loans etc.
A lot of this makes sense. I do think many blacks are affected in subtle ways by past laws related to opportunity, gentrification, redlining etc. That was all not long ago, and the reverberations of that are not surprising. The playing hand was not equal, and maybe those areas can use funding. But I'm also tired of people acting like they're totally gridlocked. As Bill Gates said: "If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake."
I see it as if anything is oppressive, and I mean it actually creates poorer conditions for blacks, it is the narrative that the gridlock exists and can only be escaped through social change. Educated blacks are going into social service based majors more than any other group. I am guessing here but I find it logical to think that if the majority of educated blacks are studying to go into a social service occupation, then the majority of educated blacks are going to be poor.
We can compare African born blacks and American born, African born have higher rates earnings despite living in the same world and this is do to occupation. They chose healthcare while their American peers do not.
They are educated at higher rates and once again occupation is healthcare so they make more. Furthermore they perform better better in college.
African immigrants have higher median income and though less than their immigrant peers, but they also have a higher rate of education than their peers.
Lower rates of poverty too.
Having said this Blacks who are doctors(Medical) are said to earn less than White doctors. I am yet to look into the statistic but if its legit there is a problem. The questions I have is what kind of doctor do most blacks fall under, this is important because different occupations of doctors earn different amounts. Did they just take the total earnings of Black doctors and White doctors and calculate the average? If so then White doctors will be shown to earn more given there are more of them to skew the data. Etc.
Essentially we need to get blacks out of social subjects like African studies, communications, etc and into STEM.
Indians earn per capita more STEM degrees than any other demographic in the U.S. and just so happen to be the highest earners, yet Whites are supposed to be holding everyone down who has a darker skin tone.