Peach/Honey/Mauve/what-have-you wins this bout.
This month's been fucking weird for his number pick averages.
Almost like the numbers are always random, and you've been looking for patterns where there are non.
You're no fun, and there's totally patterns.
His numbers got more thrown out of their expected ranges as he lost his glasses, moved indoors, and otherwise was approaching his time travel daydream on 11/11.
There are patterns but are they predictable?
It is likely that over an insanely number pulls a clear distribution will manifest given the nature of the balls, the container, and the way Lynch makes his pulls. However, that distribution despite being deterministic over the long run is likely statistically irrelevant given the number of pulls that have taken place thus far. As such one can say the pulls are random and there is no reliable pattern outside of ones own biases. Even if that bias serves you it is likely only serving you by chance.
A great example of this was Jim Simons futures predictions on Soy beans back in the 80's. He didn't extremely well and thought he found the pattern but in actuality it was just all luck. He was twice as lucky given he went to work for the government for awhile and stopped trading right before his system would of revealed itself as false.
Also, ONE