Applies to any and all topics.
1. I like getting in a real hot bath, and then turning the water as icy cold as possible. Ice to the point of numbness is ideal. And then putting my feet under the icy water, while the rest of me is in the hot.
a very oddly specific sensation that is addicting. It’s like top ten favorite feelings.
or alternatively in the shower like after swimming in luke warm water or riding home from the beach in stagnant hot stink air, the feeling of an amazingly cold shower is heavenly.
I just love the feeling of cold fucking water.
when I was in athletics and stuff at the end of practice I loved it when it was my turn to have the ice cooler dunked on me or I would get an ice cold water bottle and dump it on my head.
I just love that feeling.
2. Rhode Island is pure heaven. But Amsterdam also was great for this too. I love riding a bike in the freezing cold. The feeling of it is amazing and exhilarating. Endorphins.
3. mornings. I love the beginning of the day. When I take time for myself. I usually like to walk to somewhere or get out right away, to a class or work or, somewhere. Just get outside. And idk I just love the serene dawn, taking it in. The air is crisper and cooler. It’s quieter. The vibes. morning vibes. I’m usually very happy in the morning.
4. Hearing the words I love you from someone you really love.
5. eating absolute junk food while watching a really good movie, at night.
6. 90s music
7. slightly crispie slightly gooey golden glazed yummy apple pie (not the ones that taste like paste?) home made with really apple from scratch