The dumb nigger can't even spell Macron right.
that's a sand nigger, not a nigger. Know your niggers
professional retard :)
More context:
He is a teacher of history. He showed caricature of mohamet during his lesson.Of course, he told to people who are muslim, they can quit the lesson if they dont want to see it.
One girl , despite being muslim, wanted to stay and then complain to the school. She was expelled for two days.
Her mother was unhappy and so put personnal information of the teacher on tweeter.Then this is what happened.
Teacher get killed by a muslim tchétchène immigrant.
And as we expected in France, French left wing said that the guy deserved it, and blamed him for the caricature
Caricature is a important right in France, a freedom right to mock or make a cartoon of anything and everything, as long it is only humoristic
-- Rando on Reddit. Find your own sources fags
professional retard :)