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Nancy Pelosi cracks me up

Posts: 2266

Idk why this interview is so funny to me, like he's talking about people losing their jobs and she sits their smiling

Posts: 4371
0 votes RE: Nancy Pelosi cracks me up

"You can trust me. I smile, and my positive affect means I have good intentions."

People like this give me anxiety. She claims to be an authority, but she's out of touch. She's a career politician, and her net worth is anywhere between 16 and 32 million. She's old, and her sharpest tool is playing on peoples' sympathy.

I was following the second stimulus's progress because I was thinking, "cool, more free money." I can be asinine about it because I'm not back on rent or car payments, but there are a lot of people who can't afford to have humor about this. The stimulus package should have passed months ago, but Pelosi is doing the same thing she did last time and trying to pack the program with expensive packages. With that last stimulus, this was a shit show that had to get worked out very slowly in the Senate with filibusters and everything.

This bitch is throttling a program over idealism when it has to pass through a duly-elected Senate majority of the other party. Fuck her. Non-mask-wearing-in-the-salon bitch.

last edit on 10/14/2020 12:40:01 PM
Posts: 3134
1 votes RE: Nancy Pelosi cracks me up

That's what makes pride a sin.

Saw some of that today, and just watched the rest of it. Funny how she called CNN an apologist for the Republican party.

It's rare for me to applaud CNN like I just did. She just doesn't want Trump to send out another stimulus cheque with his name on it to the American people ahead of an election.

Cutting taxes for the 1% is a good thing too. They are the ones who give the most, still pay the highest taxes, then they can give raises and create jobs. Cutting their taxes means they'll be more productive, which is excellent in the grand scheme of things. 


Here's another beauty from last month.

She projects how the President threatened not to accept the results of the upcoming election, then when face with a simple question based on what she said, her brain reboots.


Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Nancy Pelosi cracks me up

That's what makes pride a sin.

Saw some of that today, and just watched the rest of it. Funny how she called CNN an apologist for the Republican party.

It's rare for me to applaud CNN like I just did. She just doesn't want Trump to send out another stimulus cheque with his name on it to the American people ahead of an election.

Cutting taxes for the 1% is a good thing too. They are the ones who give the most, still pay the highest taxes, then they can give raises and create jobs. Cutting their taxes means they'll be more productive, which is excellent in the grand scheme of things. 


Here's another beauty from last month.

She projects how the President threatened not to accept the results of the upcoming election, then when face with a simple question based on what she said, her brain reboots.


 Lol when I first the goodmorning thing I died, like I have no idea what happened right there. 

 It is almost life a reboot or something, it's as if she forgot she's in the middle of the interview and now thinks it just started as she opened   up this interview with the very same 'Good morning and mannerism. 

 Reminds of Biden thinking he was running for the senate, which he did again the day before last in Florida while also forgetting who Mitt   Romney is. 

 We really need term limits for the senate, these people who've been in since the 70's such as Biden and Pelosi are just dead weight at this   point but can't be done away with until they're dead because as Trypt said they are millionaires many times over and have literal dynasties   at this point.


Posts: 517
0 votes RE: Nancy Pelosi cracks me up
AliceInWonderland said:
forgetting who Mitt   Romney is. 


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