I'll get you here with me soon baby
it feels like all of creation is singing for me lately lol especially music it's weeeird. it feels so blasphemous but that is just bc I come from a Christian background. I don't think I'm evil but there isssss potential that I'm like paving the way for the antichrist or something. but I've found a bible passage in Jonah that leads me to believe that even if somehow the Judaic God is real that everyone will be forgiven in the end anyway. so I don't really care if I'm evil or if people think I'm evil or not. I just want to spread love and high vibrations thats all my mission is.....to help us all evolve and transcend our old ways of doing things. It's time for us to merge with technology and become superhuman. not in the creepy live forever way tho I would never want to live forever as human. If I'm the spiritual teacher I think I am I obviously chose this life before I incarnated as human and I want to know all of my soul outside of the human experience not just this lifetime