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An Honest Account of the American Jew

Posts: 4588

(Some dude posted the following on 4Chan)

This may come across to you, depending on your lived experience, as quite the odd essay. I believe that I am uniquely qualified to speak on this, as I come from a culturally Jewish upbringing but have eschewed these values aggressively. This gives me experience with Jewish culture that many critics of American Jews do not have, while my personal detachment from this culture allows me to speak critically and candidly about this group in a way that many Jews have absolutely no desire to. Before I begin my arguments and experiences, I want to clarify a few things. First, I will remain generally anonymous during this piece. However, I will share these details about myself:

• I grew up in a half-Jewish household and practiced some religious events.

• I attended a primarily Jewish university in America.

• I switched to a STEM career, in part to separate from Jewish culture at my university.

Additionally, here are the basics of my stance on the subject:

• I believe that Jews exhibit a strong preference for each other.

• I believe that Jews seek to transform every institution they enter.

• I believe that Jews prefer soft skills and verbal challenges to technical and absolute ones.

• I believe that much of the perception of Jews as highly intelligent stems from their verbal intelligence and debate skills.

• I personally do not believe in large scale Jewish conspiracies, but I do not oppose those who do. Such theories are not without precedent, and I have no proof that they are false.

• I believe that Jews are generally less emotional than other races.

Finally, you often hear people say things such as “Not all men/blacks/Democrats are like that”, showing that generalizations about a group are flawed. While I may make generalizations about Jews, it is important to note that I have never met a Jew who did not exhibit many of these traits and who was not instantly recognizable as one. I do not advocate any violence or hatred towards Jews, instead, I seek to train people’s awareness of a group that has very quietly begun to dominate our society at its peak.

What is a Jew?

Many times, I have heard it said that it is foolish to characterize Jews as a race because it is clearly a religion. This is a childish position. Jews can easily recognize each other regardless of their religious upbringing, and in fact, almost all Jews in America are non-religious, or “cultural Jews”. There are defining physical features, often including coarse sandy brown hair, an enlarged nose, and large, penetrating eyes. Beyond this, there are obvious social features, which will be discussed in great detail later. Most Jews that I have met, if not all, express a strong disbelief in organized religion and God, which would seem shocking to those who believe Jewishness is simply a religion. This likely leads to undercounting of Jewish populations in America. Many prominent Jews in America show this trend. Orthodox Jews are very rare in comparison to the cultural Jews, who make up a disproportionate percentage of college admissions, academics, business people, and writers. Jewish code states that a person can only be Jewish if born to a Jewish mother, but many people identify with the group of which parent came from it. There is strong resentment in Jewish communities towards people who marry or date a non-Jew. Jews are often noticeable in social circles due to their crassness, their ability to argue and speak, and their enjoyment of decadence.

Do Jews Recognize Other Jews?

Jews have a very powerful innate ability to recognize each other very quickly. This ability is likely impossible for a non-Jew to replicate. Not only do Jews recognize each other, but they immediately exhibit changes upon being exposed to another Jew. Their composure slips, they let loose, and they become more talkative. I have witnessed Jewish people acting very serious and timid around others, and then immediately becoming confident when another Jew approaches. This is not abnormal racial behavior, but it shows that Jews have an ability to spot each other. In my case, at least, I can know within a passing glance or a short conversation if someone is Jewish. There are so many factors that play into this deduction, but they involve appearance, their style of speaking, their emotional connection to what they say, their willingness to be open with me immediately upon meeting, and much more. I have had times where I was in a group with someone who was not Jewish and was quite reserved, and when a Jew approached the group, I immediately became outgoing and confident. I have also watched other Jews do the exact same thing, in case it was simply an artifact of my psyche. For Jews who are not aware of this recognition, it still happens subconsciously. Jews feel more comfortable around other Jews, they think that other Jews are more intelligent than gentiles because they speak in a way that they are familiar to. I remember being young and telling my father that he should have a business partner from New York, because they are better spoken and seem so much more thoughtful. Before having any understanding of what it means to be Jewish, I had adopted the common Jewish idea of Jewish supremacy. Whites are generally unaware of this. They seem to see Jews as white people who are better spoken and smarter, failing to connect the similar personality traits because they do not separate Jews from whites. This allows Jews to dominate in the workplace, as they can hire exclusively other Jews, and it will never be seen as discrimination.

Common Jewish Personality Traits

By far, the defining Jewish personality trait is a lack of meaningful emotion. I have met at least 100 Jews, and I do not think I have seen a single one of them cry. On the contrary, I have met many Jews who admit their total lack of emotion. This leads Jews to often make morbid jokes that may hurt people’s feelings, not because they are trying to, but because they truly cannot understand the concept that someone may feel emotional over something that doesn’t directly affect them. I have strived towards better emotion and empathy, but it is not something most Jews are born with or raised to have. I do not even think Jews are cruel or robotic, I believe they simply just have a very blunted set of emotions which only come into play when something happens to them. When this happens, Jews will become very volatile and emotional, which will seem strange for those who know them. But when they are not effected, they will generally not have any reaction to things that happen, a trait that may seem disturbing to non-Jews. Some other consistent personality traits are an aggressive desire to know things. Jews react in a hostile way when they find out they cannot know something, even if the secret is trivial. In this vein, I have noticed many Jews obsessively reading Wikipedia pages of people and things they encounter, so that they can have all of the definitive information on it if it comes up in discussion again. Jews seem to have a strong desire to be accepted by working class people. I have seen this many times. By default, Jews are the new money, modern, tradition lacking people of the country, and this does not sit well with them. Part of being Jewish is that everyone will worship you to some degree for your superior linguistics. There is a well-known rift between rural Americans with their laconic and rough ways and American Jews, with their cosmopolitan demeanor. Jews are so used to being admired by whites that when they do not feel accepted by them, it makes Jews very uncomfortable. Jews know how middle Americans feel about them, and around working class people will act very obviously like they want to impress them or be their friend.


Posts: 4588
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In Response to Previous Discussion

Jews are aware of the poor ethics of themselves and their community, and they fear non-Jews being able to recognize Jews well enough to connect these dots. This is why many Jews try to be accepted as being white, while pointing criticisms that the Jewish community is deserving of at whites in general. Whites happily accept this criticism of their race, and since they cannot usually identify Jews, do not make the leap that what they hate about their own race is really what they hate about Jewish culture. Still, Jews generally hate being criticized, and will immediately ‘become’ Jewish when someone is criticizing whites. At least in my experience, Jews live in a constant state of balance – they try to act likable and obsequious to whites who may judge them, and once they have garnered this trust, will use it to shield themselves and their people from criticism. When with Jews, however, every bit of this nastiness is not only exposed, it is celebrated to the highest degree. Jewish families and friend groups have no objection to trickery, especially when it is directed at non-Jews. I have seen this in real life many times, so while it may sound like dogmatic hostility, it is a real thing that most definitely takes place. In speaking to people, I heard a similar theory on this issue, that Jews believe that since they can identify each other, others can identify them, and since they are open with each other about their misdeeds, that the Jews they know are open with everyone else about these too. As a result of this dual personality so many Jews have, it is easy to mix the two up. It is possible that since many Jews fear that whites know exactly who and what they are, they take steps to transform the things they touch (organizations, countries, etc) into more anti-white or more diverse ones, as instead of appearing as a Jew to non-white newcomers, they can appear as one of the good white people, relating to these newcomers in a way that for many Jews is the ultimate fantasy. I know Jews who try hard to ingratiate themselves specifically to minorities, and revel in that a minority person may accept them and appreciate them. The reasoning behind this makes sense, just as whites cannot successfully tell Asians or Africans apart country by country, Jews assume that people from these countries will not be able to differentiate them from whites like whites can.

The irony above is brutal and obvious. Jews fear that whites can recognize them and hate them for it, and to avoid this hate, they will try to bring in non-whites and racial politics into their organizations. Only this act, the forced integration of a group, seems to make whites aware of and resentful of Jews. The irony is that Jews took that action because of their perceived hatred from whites to them that did not really exist in the first place, due to the white inability to differentiate them.

This may sound conspiratorial, because it sounds like what has happened to the US population. While this may be true, I am specifically referring to classes and organizations that I experienced at my university under a Jewish dean, as well as the work and stories of my Jewish relatives. I am sure the same thing could happen on a national scale, but the paranoia of Jews in not being understood or liked by whites is clear and visible in even the smallest microcosm of Jewish life. Jews feel that to whites, they are as different as blacks, but in speaking to whites about this, I find that most whites do not feel the same way. This discordance in thought between Jews and whites leads to strange behavior by Jews, and could explain the actions that many of them take that are hostile to the whites they are simultaneously trying to ingratiate themselves to.

Posts: 4588
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Posts: 591
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Alice, got anything to add here? 

The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 5402
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This is a shill thread to discredit valid antisemitic reasoning. Tryptamine himself is a fucking Jew and playing controlled opposition

Posts: 2266
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I would say everything stated is approximately true in my experience. 

I will add on top of dealing with Criticism poorly, or seemingly so merely because we tend to enjoy arguing, most cultural Jews I know need recognition and will act extremely petty if they don't receive it (and I am talking recognition over small insignificant things). 

Posts: 4588
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I would say everything stated is approximately true in my experience. 

I will add on top of dealing with Criticism poorly, or seemingly so merely because we tend to enjoy arguing, most cultural Jews I know need recognition and will act extremely petty if they don't receive it (and I am talking recognition over small insignificant things). 

Do you also instantly recognize other Jews? I've noticed my Jewdar has become significantly better. I recognized Ezra Klein right off the bat.

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: An Honest Account of th...

I would say everything stated is approximately true in my experience. 

I will add on top of dealing with Criticism poorly, or seemingly so merely because we tend to enjoy arguing, most cultural Jews I know need recognition and will act extremely petty if they don't receive it (and I am talking recognition over small insignificant things). 

Do you also instantly recognize other Jews? I've noticed my Jewdar has become significantly better. I recognized Ezra Klein right off the bat.

Yes, but my Jewdar is less organic than most Jews because I didn't grow up hardcore in the Jewish community (didn't experience a Jewish education), my Jewish experience comes from  from extended  family on my Moms side. She doesn't identify with them anymore, she acts white majority of the time, but she does play the Jew card whenever its beneficial to seperate herself from white people. 

My Jewdar reached its peak in college.

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