Here we go again.
So if you don’t remember last year my parents were seriously interested in buying a home, that we wound up getting in the habit of calling “the tally house.” It was a very good deal for what it was, but they tried to lowball the offer 100grand less, which got declined. They were out bid very soon after, during the time they were debating paying full price.
It’s a decision we all entirely regret dropping the ball on it, however, we do like to believe, if its not meant to be- it’s not meant to be.
I didn’t think it was going to be possible to find another deal quite like that. Which sounds naive but, if you understood the qualities of the property, compared to the price and, given its location, it was an absolute steal. And beyond every definition of, ‘dream home.’ I could go on for hours about it but, just being on the property was heavenly. I don’t know how to describe it other than just, immense relaxation and euphoria. That came over me, so intensely, I actually fell into a restful sleep. The best nap I’ve ever slept. And it was just laying in lawn... the atmosphere is, something you can’t put a price on almost, but if you did it would be, resort/paradise cost.
It also had a lot of potential to be a wedding venue which at the time wasn’t at it’s peak, and now is, basically nonexistent but- back then, I really liked the idea of hosting weddings simply for my own fun as like, a hobby. More than an, investment.
But all our dreams were crushed when it slipped out from under us in one day, with no warning.
So that’s a bit of a back story to this new house, which we found, a year or so later now since “the tally house”
And we’ve fallen in love with “the hay house” now. As we did with the tally house. It is another, tally house. Essentially. Like a rare comet in the sky, this real estate opportunity comes once in a blue moon. Where you find an absolutely amazing property, for a steal, of a deal for what it is.
So to tell the crazy story, my mom talked on the phone for hours with my cousin who struggles with depression. Trying to help him, she suggested downloading a good therapy app, which she checked out herself by downloading. It is a CBT therapy app.
She’s been discouraged lately by the state of the world and I think at certain points it has worn thin on all of us in some way or another. So she started flipping through the app one day when she was feeling bad and didn’t know what to do about it. And the app asked her to make a “hope board”
She follows a lot of surfers on Instagram, because she herself loves surfing, the surfer life style. She reads books written by surfers, she admires everything about, the whole, thing. Super into it. So one of these surfers posted a picture of a house that was infamous in the surfing world, a lot of famous surfers stayed there over the years in attempt to catch the big waves on the shore near it. And the house is so iconic and famous, it’s been merchandised and turned into drawings, and put on shirts, etc.
So she saw the house as a drawing on the gram, and liked the photo a lot and the inspiration behind it, what it was all about, and most importantly that her favorite famous surfer dude lived there who, she took inspiration from (and a lot of surf junkies seem to, adore). Surfer hall of fame kinda guy.
And so in the comments, the fans of this guy were commenting back and forth about how wonderful that guy was, and one guy posted a comment of a famous quote, from the famous surfer who lived in the house, about combining art, vitality, and wellness or something like that into one hippie dippy life style that worked for him. And that’s how, he managed to pull off affording the surfer life style. Supposedly. Haha.
So she used the photo of that house in drawing form, and the quote, and put it on her hope board, in her CBT app when she was feeling shitty. Because it was inspiring her to like, assimilate her life into a synchronicity that would churn out the results she was wanting (while still enjoying it and being at peace, not just white knuckling).
Surfing is how she clears out the negativity in her life and in her mind, etc. And just, resonates good vibes into the universe.
My moms always been very hippie dippie and ‘granola’ and you know, I always though the theory ‘what you put out comes back’ energy bull shit. But, then it started to work and I saw the matrix like synchronicity happening in her life right before my eyes.
So, just passively looking at real estate as she always does, she found this house, ‘the hay house’ that has an uncanny resemblance to the famous surfer house. So she was immediately really intrigued.
Theoretically, you could say she was drawn to it, or, perhaps, she drew it to her. That’s what she believes anyway. Vibes man. Lol
And so yeah, it happened. So she’s been doing this thing where she just follows her intuition, and it actually ends up, winding her up places she wouldn’t expect, finding new opportunities, meeting new people, and everything just sort of falls in line the way its meant to be- when you do that.
And so we went and did a drive by to look at the property, and figured, if its meant to be, its meant to be. And we’ll give it a look around.
As we were driving around, we ran into the owner. Who just happen to be on his way from the short walk from the door to his car. And we talked for quite a good while and, he was very excited because, we were the first people to express interest in this house. (It was just listed on the market today at 9am, we arrived at 10am lol)
And yeah we exchanged business cards yada yada yada, turns out he’s in musician management. He and his wife decided to sell the house as it was used mainly used for events and they had a second property anyway so this one was just sitting, being unused. They decided they wanted to travel to all the national parks in America, they said, and didn’t need their Costa Rican get away for events anymore (because they weren’t having any damn events due to covid)
(They designed it after where they stayed in Costa Rica, because they previously had loved living there so much.)
And so, we thought okay, well that was cool and fun. But then my mom decided to call the realtor, as she found out from the owner, that she was doing showings today and, she was curious if she could squeeze in an appointment anywhere.
The realtor was happy to squeeze us in, and in the time we waited for her to arrive, we met some other contenders interested in the home. Which, was very interesting. Due to the homes unique nature, it’s attracting the eccentric people of this city to come out of the woodwork, and it was kind of nice to meet people who were, not so cookie cutter. A lot of musician artist types, ‘rich hipsters’ as my mom calls them. But yeah, one guy had a mousilini mustache and rode a red tiny motorcycle. And was a famous high diver.
And then yeah we met with the realtor and got to see the house, and it was even better than the photos as they say... it was very inspiring and, uplifting, but serene environment. You’d never need to take another vacation because it’s all there. And it also had a lot of investment potentialities, as well as plenty of space to continually grow and change.
We like to call our family like a little island. We stay very close together. So, with this spread out property, it offers the perfect amount of houses for my sisters family, my parents, and I, to all have our individual places to live, while still being together and, benefiting from the beauty of the property. It also minimizes costs to have everyone living on one plot of land. We’re always together anyway so, it just makes sense.
We call it our island. And among extended family members, we call it the gatsby house, because we are always the hosts of every single event that there possibly could be. It’s just our thing. My mom loves hosting, the family loves getting together and partying so, it’s just, how things have traditionally been for a long time. We’re, that house that everyone goes to. A revolving door of people, all the time, all year round.
Which is really nice, and why we want to stay in the same area.
That’s part of what makes this house so special is, it’s very difficult to find a property like this in this area, that is for sale, and for a price that is reasonable. So this is a major steal, in a lot of ways, and suits us, perfectly.
Not only that, but it’s, literally a spitting image of the home that the infamous surfers stayed in. So my mom saw it as the universe affirmation sort of thing like, “this is the house ur meant to have” sort of thing (like i said, my mom is very hippie dippie). The house is perfect for her, it just screams her all over. It is her dream home she said. And I’d say by looking at it, that’s beyond accurate. I couldn’t imagine, a more perfect house for her it’s so strangely her exact personality