Control in your life is great. Do not worry or concern yourself about others peoples triumphs. At the end of the day apparently we are all human beings so we should not have to worry about a “better” person. Instead of worrying about friends fuck friends fuck them, instead focus on appreciating your family. Life is bullshit wow welcome to the fucking real world. Why do you need friends so you can go out drink and be a douche? So that’s what life is all about being drunk with your friends? Did you ever hear about just enjoying the moment did you ever wonder about enjoying your own time. Do you know how good it feels to actually be friendless not having to bore yourself with the conventions of what they want of what they want to do? Do you know how fucking stupid friends are?
take Neanderthals. Now Neanderthals were primarily concerned about having children and making sure there family was safe. There was never a single report that Neanderthals ever maintained stupid fucking friendships. If anything relationships are all based on rinsing each other out of money and sex. Nothing spells boredom and cringe than going out with a bunch of arrogant loudmouths thinking there cool because there in a big gang it’s cowardly and stupid. It might be fun but it eventually reveals itself in petty cowardice and lack of independence on being able to navigate the world without the help of other people. To people worried about future life. Just relax it. Things will come to you as life goes give it a try and it will work, given that you are a moderately attractive person things shouldn’t be difficult to get. Success is not based on school it’s based on trying. Do not be afraid to try things.
things you don’t need in life:
a group of friends get rid of them or don’t get rid of them but don’t go out of ur way to hang out with them.
pay more attention to your family fuck going to ur friends house, I would much rather visit family first than stupid fucking friends.
do not bother about snapchat clout popularity strains the mind u worry about pointless outlooks and opinions and you get to involved in it. In fact what the problem is you concern yourself about the thoughts of others and you reassure it by hanging around crowds asking for opinions of other people this never less always always makes you even more eager to go to the same crowd and ask for the same opinion and rely on these people for your own self esteem, fuck that and be a man be independent and look for yourself for self esteem do not go for crowds or “”friends”” to back your self esteem up its fucking stupid, you will get used and lose all your money. And if u get all of those people around u then at least have the courtesy to give them a blowjob that’s what I would do anyways,
thirdly: fuck snapchat for women look around in front of u next door neighbour ever tried fuck the women next door have u ever tried fucking a child? Why do children have pussies and dicks why do they touch themselves. Since when is sex a traumatic thing sex is natural and it feels amazing. Age of consent is societies conventional interpretation on when a person should have sex based on how jealous the public would be of how good looking / young a person looks during the age of there sexual intercourse. There is no bodily difference or maturity difference between an 18 year old and a 15 year old. Also it stops them from lashing out in sexually frustrated anger. Also toddlers that have had sex also report a more happier life.
/End rant.