If u ask for a meaning in life than a. There is your meaning in life and b. Being alive is a meaning in life itself.
if you are so called born randomly into this world and u go out of it not remembering a thing then u should have absolutely nothing to fear. Remember fear comes from being alive so if anything u should embrace death. In fact I pray to fucking death every day. Death is what keeps me motivated. If all humans and creatures where immortal then the very essence of existing would be pointless. We could lazy ourselves around for millions of years make no progress in society and be all hahah, what the fuck would be the point of existence if humans were undying it would be stupid.on the other hand if we did have an afterlife so to say then that would be a plus.
if u think death as blackness and scared the ur not thinking it’s unexsistence. U should have absolutely no need to worry because worrying comes from being alive so u should be more worried about continuing ur exsistence with pain waking worry than u would do with death. Think about it. If life has no meaning then why would u ask such a question? If ur trying to explore a meaning in life then u have already gave meaning to ur existence. If u say death then what’s the point if u truly belief in a meaning in your own exsistence then u will truly not fear death because it’s a dive into the unknown to be honest it sounds quite exciting lol.
honestly I have achievement in life I do not worry about violence I’ve been in plenty in punch ups show absolute no fear because being fearful is worser than being dead. Fuck u death.