Going through a heatwave right now, I long for cold dark nights and breezy afternoons and not having this heat suck the energy from my body
Going through a heatwave right now, I long for cold dark nights and breezy afternoons and not having this heat suck the energy from my body
but what about me? in Autumn i will hate all this fucking world =)
you look like you should be the next GTA character
i will be schizo-souteneur. I will help schizophrenic women earn money for modern antipsychotics that do not increase prolactin. also my character will rob drug dealers and send the proceeds to charity in psychiatric clinics.
yea u do look like a guy that does murders then comes home and hugs and gives gifts to his family
id drink with u one day
I would like to kill people. I would like to be an executioner, but unfortunately the death penalty has been abolished in Russia. they robbed me of my calling.