...[3]With the advent of multi-sphincterial compartmentalisation came a sudden influx of enigmatic propulsion methods which laid the groundworks for future mass expulsion using the oscillating techniques applied by spincterial dynamics. Though yet in the experimental stage, a promising set of applications have been deduced by measuring the impact that such powerful quivering brings with it. The main challenge with carrying out observations is the need for a controlled environment and the mitigation of any external influences which might interfere with the pulsation that we desire to exploit. A further range of tests have shown promising results when the use of hydro-powered chilling methods is introduced. [4] This serves as an equaliser of sorts and has vastly improved the accuracy of experiments. Furthermore, the continuous adaptation of novel condensation methods has allowed for a more lenient approach to potential bursts and fractures that may occur during a sphincterial rotation. The absolute nature of sphincterial dynamics continues to be revised and will prove to be a challenge to solidify in practical applications. 

Just found this very interesting