from what I've shared about him and our relationship
At first you will be extremely thrilled and happy. Prob feel super in love and having sex constantly, but in less than 6 months you will get bored and move on like every relationship you post about here. Then you will go through the phase where you call yourself a goddess or an angel and "focus on yourself" until 1 week later when you meet the next perfect love of your life.
Get all huffy and mad about this response if you want, it isnt a jab at you though it is an honest prediction based on your long-term pattern of behavior.
curious what you narcissistic know-it-alls would think lmao
Mm, I see.
My guess is that you're having doubts, but that our doubting it will give you the fuel to fight us 'naysayers' in a way that'd boost your confidence as a contrarian. I don't expect it to go poorly, especially when it's just a month of time, and you've otherwise mostly gone on about his pros instead of his cons so there isn't really much to work with as said naysayer beyond commenting on that.
At first you will be extremely thrilled and happy. Prob feel super in love and having sex constantly, but in less than 6 months you will get bored and move on like every relationship you post about here. Then you will go through the phase where you call yourself a goddess or an angel and "focus on yourself" until 1 week later when you meet the next perfect love of your life.
The difference though is that the two are actually living together instead of just bantering online. This is bound to affect the timeline in ways we haven't seen.
First off, whether this is a yearly or month-to-month lease will be a huge deal, as with the former if they break up like six months in then there's still half a year of living together to do. Secondly, there's whatever variation'd be there from it being IRL, whether this means more fear and therefor more escapism, more amorousness and a depreciated sense of self-worth from it having been so long allowing for re-dating during that time, and there's the question of if others will have a stronger affect on her in person as opposed to online, considering her sensitivities, and if that'll make her become more of a self-inflictive doormat when it comes to his desires than she already is online about fresh love.
Get all huffy and mad about this response if you want, it isnt a jab at you though it is an honest prediction based on your long-term pattern of behavior.
In less words, you're describing "The Honeymoon Phase" followed by some madness mantras and escapism once things get boring or tense. This is actually pretty normal for younger people who are too lively to stick with anything, as long term goals tend to be for people who've given up on the dating scene.
it's like that mutual borderline clinginess that I think could potentially keep us together for a very long time
It's interesting because I did give in to the urges to push him away and break up with him at first but I have stopped doing it even tho I still get the urges
I think he craves the stability I can provide and I crave the excitement and adventures he can provide since I am not self-motivated to do pretty much anything alone
the stuff I am doing alone like IOP and possibly getting a job in the future are all just to benefit him and our relationship, they are not things I would ever have the motivation to do for just myself
It's only ever clingy if it's one sided.