unless suiciding or being murdered at the exact same time as another person but it's ok I'll pass on that
ur gonna die alone
Everyone dies alone XD retard.
Every second, 1.8 humans die and 4.2 humans are born. Under Mr. Petzall's plan, the number of deaths would increase to 2.8. ... At one death per second, any given person currently has a 0.464% chance of being chosen each year. Put another way, the scenario would result in 4.64 deaths per 1,000 people (or 464 per 100,000). Death Rates - What if? (xkcd) https://what-if.xkcd.com/27/
I came here to make you look stupid but you're doing the job for me so thanks xD
2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
ur gonna die alone
Everyone dies alone XD retard.
Every second, 1.8 humans die and 4.2 humans are born. Under Mr. Petzall's plan, the number of deaths would increase to 2.8. ... At one death per second, any given person currently has a 0.464% chance of being chosen each year. Put another way, the scenario would result in 4.64 deaths per 1,000 people (or 464 per 100,000). Death Rates - What if? (xkcd) https://what-if.xkcd.com/27/I came here to make you look stupid but you're doing the job for me so thanks xD
no u look stupid lol have you seen your proposal video:p