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noun: mansplaining

the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.


The definition implies that, explaining something as if the other person had no knowledge happens in majority to women, and that it is an insult to assume that your interlocutor does not know the definition or workings of something.

But this is incorrect. We are born with no knowledge and we will be learning until our deaths, passing away without being able to enjoy the majority of the knowledge in the universe. People have no way of knowing what you know and what you dont know.

The reason the feminist takes an offense to this is because, it breaks their narcissistic fantasy of being an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent being, the intelligent superwoman she tries to see herself as and pass herself to others. To be explained to as if you are not aware of something is to be indirectly told that you dont possess all the knowledge and smarts in the world. And this also triggers the feminists deep sense of inferiority to men (which I think is silly as women are better in areas men are deficient in and vice versa) and threatens their coping mechanism which is this false image.

The mere act of assuming the lack of information or correcting someone on a non-fact becomes a moral failure as you are doing an injustice by telling them that they are less than all knowing and the most intelligent.

The line of thought "He must think I am dumb, he must think I dont know anything, he must think he can tell me what" seems to come from a feeling that men are intellectually and knowledge-wise superior to them (which is delusional of course,intellect and knowledge is more affected by education). The insecure feminist sees everything as a direct attack on herself interpreting reality through the lenses of her subconscious beliefs about herself.

Instead of thinking "well, maybe he thought I did not know because he cant read my mind or because he graduated in this field and I did not" they think "oh he must be a mysoginist, looks down on women!" making it about gender just like african americans use their race to justify lifes setbacks and rejections.

Ironically, the feminist makes her own gender look bad by acting in an immature and emotion-driven way by using non-arguments and coping mechanisms to arguments instead of rebuttals and studies, perpetuating the stereotype that women are irrational, which is sad because I have met a few quite rational and intelligent women that handed me my own ass to me in debates and tech knowledge sometimes (leading to fantasies of being pegged by these high IQ dominatrixes).

At the end of the observation we see that the feminist is such a scared little girl who puts on an aggressive facade and lives in a self-imposed mental prison to deal with what she thinks are real life monsters and uses them to justify the things that are wrong in her life. I did not get that promotion because men are sexist. I am alone because men are assholes and dont accept me for what I am. And so on. Men are sadistic and brutal creatures that are out to opress her and hold her back from her potential, not her lack of discipline in studying, laziness and partying.

But the most interesting observation is that the feminist seems to think of men as some sort of super powerful  figure who rule their lives and control everything without giving up a zilch of that control to the woman, when most men in todays western society are afraid of them.

At the end of the day, feminists are the ones who assert that men are more powerful, more knowledgeable, more intimidating, more dangerous than they are, without realizing, going against their own goals.