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0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

I love dis 

last edit on 9/15/2020 2:34:30 PM
Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

wtf this is so cute 

The inside is boring tho idk

Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

this look is so pretty 

all these are new products I am into 

Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

@4:00 the swatches are what's selling it for me. look at those swatches. its so pretty.

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

22:32 Blanc: twitter won't let you delete your old likes (they've made it pretty much impossible) 22:32 Blanc: so the only away around that is to change your accounts email to a throw out email 22:33 Blanc: then change the username 22:33 Blanc: and then re-register on twitter, with your main email you actually use, and your old username 22:33 Blanc: hopefully this works. if it doesn't, I'll be pretty frustrated. (like if it won't let me have my old username) 22:35 Blanc: (it won't let you just deactivate the account for some reason, but I will keep trying) 22:36 Blanc: I've been fucking around with it for the last hour and now it won't even let twitter load on my computer 22:36 Blanc: like it's trying to physically block me out of using the app to do what I want 22:36 Blanc: such bull shit 22:51 Blanc: okay the first thing I suggested work 22:51 Blanc: worked* 22:51 Blanc: it still won't let me access twitter on safari lmao 22:52 Blanc: but on google chrome it works 02:12 Blanc: Kek the place I used to work for went out of business because Covid destroyed them 02:13 Blanc: Honestly they made a huge mistake firing me. My parents would of gone halfsies and supported them financially to keep them in business, as an investor. To get long term return. 02:14 Blanc: They should of known they were rich when my mom brought all of her friends (a party of like 26 people) and all together earned them thousands 02:15 Blanc: Also had them returning and placing orders... and my family did too and gave them a lot of business essentially 02:15 Blanc: Also to be nice my mom ordered a 100 dollar small tiny bottle of bojee ass wine the financial owner of the business owned 02:16 Blanc: And they had the audacity to fire me because I seemed spacey?? 02:16 Blanc: Anyways now that they’re gone I told my parents like “lol we should buy the location and start our own coffee shop in there” 02:16 Blanc: But my parents were like nah... not a good tile to 02:16 Blanc: time to open a restaurant 02:16 Blanc: (No business in our area rn) 02:17 Blanc: Also banks aren’t taking on new debt so getting loans is like impossible rn, yet real estate is like super high 02:17 Blanc: So idk if the place would be at its most affordable rn or at its least affordable but yeah 02:18 Blanc: Me and my friend who got fired always said we were going to start our own place on the same street just to show them 02:18 Blanc: Tbh I’d be into it :P 02:19 Blanc: I’m never motivated by much but revenge? Lol ngl... I have a streak in me that will do anything just spite someone 02:19 Blanc: Perhaps it’s because I’m a Taurus xD 02:20 Blanc: Ironaxisly my cousin has had a dream to start an internet coffee cafe called the space bar, since high school 02:20 Blanc: I’ll totally call it that if the opportunity to do something like that comes up :P

Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup


Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup



(things that Are honestly gimmicks and don’t appeal to me as a consumer) (just what doesn’t appeal to me, it’s okay if it does appeal to you there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!)


-if you keep re-releasing the same thing every year, in slightly different packaging. You make the older versions no longer special items in someone’s collection, but rather make them less valuable, out dated, etc. and make the value of your brands older products no longer profitable 


-if you can’t release a decent shade range of your product, then you should not release that product. This goes for more than just concealer and foundation. 

-Stop releasing things as ‘universal’ products. While that does appeal to you because it makes you the most money with one product- it doesn’t appeal to the consumer and we are tired of seeing it. There are more creative ways to get people excited about your product. 

-stop making everything a charity. It great to donate money to things. But why you have to be so loud about it, to increase revenue? If you’re going to donate money, please don’t brag about it. It’s great to raise awareness about a charity a cause or a platform, to participate in it anyway you can- as a brand. But please calm down and don’t capitalize on these important issues. 

-if you are not Disney, don’t make a Disney product. 

-stop make sentimental or cheesy products, or trying to get the millennial dollar with “flash back” products (the friends palette, Nickelodeon palette, crayola, Kit Kat, sponge bob, Hershey, Polly pocket, Barbie) 


-if you don’t put your shade names on the actual palette then what is the point of naming them. 

-please don’t name shades “T3” “T4” etc. that is so annoying lol  like the girl who chews gum really loud in class or something 


-please dont name two shades in a row together like “back and forth” as two seperate shades back, and forth. 

-influencer cash grab products are a) a waste of time and b) clogging up the makeup sphere with junk 

(I’m sorry) 


-drugstore brands need to focus their money on creating a few really great solid products rather than rapidly coming out with new (shitty and gimmicky) products or trying to restock a huge ass line of lipsticks that no one wants 


-stick to your brand PLEASE. Brands that have a personality change with each release make me sick. Lol 


-just make good products instead of trying to appeal to the personality of the individual consumer. You’re trying too hard to get in their head but the manipulation is too obvious so it’s off putting for a lot of buyers (and creepy). If you want to be the consumers best friend, pretending to be them isn’t going to work. that’s not what resonates with consumers. 


-stop wasting money on excessive packaging that’s just going to go in a land fill (especially plastic why are you using plastic I don’t understand you could literally just not use plastic) 

I’m okay with beautiful packaging that is keepable and refillable Or recyclable. PR and shipment should be as rechclebale as possible, including the packing materials. Try to save trees. 

-stop using carmine and honey 


-stop knocking off other brands products 


-if ur not a skin care brand then don’t release skin care :) if ur not a makeup tool brand then don’t release makeup tools :) 


-broken product exchange within a certain date of having just purchased a product should be a thing sis. 

-if u make ur product easy to de-pot, then I love you. I don’t even de-pot products but, it should always be a thing. That way if a shade breaks u can replace it by ordering a single of it. Just saying. 


SKIN CARE is a whole other racquet 


(oh god) 


But to sum it up, the most effective part of the skin care product itself is often not majority of what makes up the product and, you are essentially paying too much for these products if all you are buying it for is the effectiveness of the advertised ingredient 


i don’t mind having fun for the sake of having fun I suppose but, I feel like a lot of people are being tricked more than they are having fun lol 


-oils are oil. It doesn’t matter which oil you use. It’s all the same. 

-majority of the time products are glycerin, water, fragrance 


-you don’t need water mist just drink water 


-skin care infused products are a gimmick. Foundation, primer, setting spray. 

-read the amount of the active ingredient that is in the product and you will be often disappointed in the concentration of said ingredient in your product 


-just because it sounds fancy, is expensive, comes from a high end brand, smells good, had fancy packaging, or is foreign (including Japanese) does not mean, that it is good. 

branding and marketing 

-get your social media on point sis 

-don’t do shady shit period 

-make sure your app and website actually function 

-have a team specifically designated to customer service and HR that operates 24/7

-make sure your advertising is inclusive (and I mean inclusive)

-don’t lie about your shipping abilities 
-offer deals for people who have to pay larger shipping fee 



-don’t bundle products together and expect us to buy them like that (allow costum bundling instead) 

-if you make your product limited edition, I hate you 

-don’t say we will never restock this item, and then restock it. That’s really a bad look sis. 



-I don’t want a stupid card in my package saying random shit on it unless the damn ceo themself put it in there for me by hand LMAO 

-I don’t need stickers on my mirror or sliders inside palettes etc. stop it 
-authenticity cards are a waste of money and time and trees (just use serial numbers on the product or QR code’s or something) 

-do we really need tags anymore 

-don’t put random other stuff in the PR package that is not the product itself??? Especially alcohol?? No one wants it tbh

last edit on 9/18/2020 6:13:43 AM
Posts: 587
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

Autumn look with my new make up, from the w7 On the Rocks palette I used Moscato, Pina Colada, Body Shot and Bellini. For the crease I used Ulta Sunset, and under the brow Ibused the shimmery highlight from the I ♡ revolution choc mint mini palette. (Idc my eyebrows are messy)

Gotta focus... I'm shifting into soup mode...
last edit on 11/9/2021 10:56:39 PM by Good
Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

That is such a pretty shade on your eye color. Also ur eye lashes are really long nice 


I have to put fake ones on to look like that XD #noeyelashgang

Posts: 9307
0 votes RE: The House of Makeup

Posted Image


This was my attempt at some new makeup techniques 


also a prime example of eyelashes not wanting to stand up lol but I tried 


it’s hard to find a false lash that looks right on me so I had to go without for today as all the ones I have I did not like. 

I attempted soap brows and found out that they don’t really look that good on me. 

I crossed out the lips because I just hated them. I was trying to do a Japanese trend ombré lip but it just didn’t suit my lips and made them look small and stupid lol 


I did no contour but I used some Marc Jacobs bronzer, attempted to put it higher up under my cheek bones for a lifted look 



the mascara is by pat magrath which is very runway but it wasn’t the look I was going for so... yeah sorry that looks bad 


highlight used is Dior 


blush is Patrick ta (I fucking love the blush and brush for blush by them it’s A1) 


ive been playing with the Kevyn acquon concealer under my eye and it’s just so heavy and difficult to move, idk if I am loving it compared to my Nars tbh as it has a hard time being set with powder without looking cakey 


but it’s good if you want a non-matte look, I just prefer matte. Um... I also recommend not going too light with the Kevyn concealer I thought I would like a brightening look like I normally do but this formula is so opaque it just looks strange if you are more in the medium category, it’s difficult to blend so it looks very stark like white under your eye. I recommend matching it to your exact skin tone or closest to your foundation shade so it will look skin like and natural 


pat magrath foundation is beautiful but I’m not loving the coverage I get from it, because I have freckles it just makes my face look sort of dirty? 

not sure how to fix that but the finish is unbeatable... 


I should have waxed my face and then color corrected as the bottom half of my face always looks darker than the top half. I don’t know why, but yeah. It’s weird. It’s just a slight greyness that is super annoying 


I’ve have really intense under eye puff bag divet things that no concealer can vanish, but the point is to color correct the darkness. I actually rubbed my left eye (your right) quite a bit because I got something in it and rubbed off majority of the concealer under that eye which is why you see the purple ness there. The concealer didn’t do a bad job I just rubbed it off being an idiot lol 


I should not put highlighter on my chin nose bridge or above my eyebrows I have learned.


but tip of the nose, a tiny tiny bit on the center of the forehead in a horizon shape, and then on the highest points of my cheek bones is plenty, and on the top lip. 

But in this photo I was experimenting with placement and with different shades of the Dior palettes so it’s all over my face and I look quite excessively glowy. 

I also attempted to contour around my mouth to see what that would do and it just made it look extra grey which is why I covered my lips up also... that was a mistake. It was a technique kevyn auquoin used on JaLo so whatever. It looks good under my bottom lip ever ever so slightly but yeah that’s all that should be allowed for me. (Used huda beauty cream contour) 

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