1. my goal was to: eject luna off of her position of power, and maintain her absence of such position, which i've accomplished
2. most users here still refuse to publicly acknowledge me as the cause of luna's sc destruction (destruction of spirit and platform of sc), mostly due to ego reasons
You really don't know how to let credit fall where it's due, do you?
You have this nasty habit of taking other people's credit as if it were your own, like the impacts of Sin-spam for example. It's as if you can't remember the people, but remember the events, and then collage them into some messy version of a self-concept that has near-no basis in reality.
3. luna is still around and lurks, proved when she showed up in cain's recent good bye thread
That was ages ago, and she hasn't been around (publicly) since.
We've been in newer chapters for a bit now, you ought to try to catch up with current events.
4. luna will attempt to cease power over sc community by providing a platform for them again when the community has nowhere else to go
This is just a callback onto the classics, but if you actually try to look her up online she seems to have discarded her Luna identity in favor of other names.
5. edvard & primal are also not around anymore because of me, because its due to my planning and actions that meta runs sc now, and meta banned primal because he's a simp which led edvard to cease participating in sc as protest
Actually, this is because of Meta, and if you're looking for associative credit then look no further than Tryp, who had the groundwork argument with Luna in the first place that helped lead to this down the line.
I don't recall you puppet mastering a lawsuit, nor you using mod tools, so this one's one of the stranger credit-grabs. In fact, if I had to extend the tendrils of credit to as many people as possible, I can think of a bunch of names that carry more weight than yours (like Crave).
7. i challenged meta because i was bored and needed stimulation, the goal was at no point to completely burn sc
Bullshit, this is your cope for losing, badly. I haven't really seen memories of events warp this badly in other people except maybe Med and Delora.
You can't win them all, and the sooner you lick these wounds the sooner you can make something of yourself. You're at this point like the 40 year old who's still reliving his high school football glory days... except that you seem to remember it as if you were the star quarterback, the wide receiver, and the referee.
For real dude, get some new material, we have. You're less than a rerun at this point, you're the shadow of a rerun.
8. i could post cp this instant if i wanted to, and even easily get away with it legally if i was miraculously caught. my hard drive is encrypted ;)
You gave up on that when Meta beat you.
9. all in all, meta provides sc, a place with familiar ppl to me. im not too sure if theres somebody else here who meets all 3 requirements to do so: skill, maintenance and trustworthiness from community to run the platform for them
That's funny, I thought you preferred SCMockingjay.
...or was it that you preferred the Lunasylum? That was a good chapter, you and Luna performing 69 for us all to see was like something out of Animal Planet.
6. anyone who still participates in sc isn't a true friend of ed, if they were, they would've joined his protest & stopped posting on this site
u hate ed because he bashed alice a lot xd