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Ghislaine Maxwell arrested

Posts: 5402

She probably won't deliver the thunderous revelation we've all been hoping for. She'll go to prison, that I have little doubt of. Maybe she'll just take the blame. But all those other fatcats involved? Les Wexner, Kevin Spacey, The Clintons, Tump, Prince Andrew... Lol how this 2005 investigation was obstructed:  

The Hill: Former Chief of Police Michael Reiter believes Epstein may have been tipped off in 2005 investigation

However, authorities began to suspect that Epstein may have been tipped off as the investigation heated up.

“The place had been cleaned up,” Reiter said, adding that the computer holding the mansion’s home surveillance footage was gone. “And all the wires were left hanging there.”

Reiter also said state prosecutors later sought to downplay evidence uncovered by authorities and that Epstein, who had amassed a high-powered legal team and had widespread connections, appeared to know details of the police probe before they were publicized.

“This,” Reiter said, “never happened to me before in my career.”
We live in a fucking society


Posts: 5402
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How Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey relaxed at Buckingham Palace 'as guests of Prince Andrew'

Posted Image

Remember when the media shat all over Pizzagate? They made it out to be purely about the pizza parlor and strawmanned the shit out of that conspiracy. Now that this shit has been unraveling it seems 8 and 4 chan were right about the existence of a global pedo elite. 

last edit on 7/5/2020 3:48:55 PM
Posts: 2653
0 votes RE: Ghislaine Maxwell arrested

Ghislaine gonna get suicided

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: Ghislaine Maxwell arrested

is nobody interested in this 

Posts: 42
0 votes RE: Ghislaine Maxwell arrested

I think either people don't know who exactly she is or simply don't care because Epstein was bigger fish. 

General- oversaturation has probably gotten to them that this doesn't quite register as much as their own problems. Virginia Roberts and I think even Ghislaine Maxwell have both made past statements that they are not suicidal and do not want to commit suicide so who knows how it goes from here 

Posts: 115
0 votes RE: Ghislaine Maxwell arrested

I'm thinking no one really cares about this person. It's kinda weird that it took this long to bring charges. If she's guilty, she should go to prison.


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