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Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox
Xadem said: 

I'm so happy he's back. I was terrified that he wouldn't be the same after detox

He warned us yesterday that he only had around 25% of the bottle left, and that we should expect him to become cranky soon. Posted Image

 Oh nooo I don't want him to be cwankyyy

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox
Xadem said: 

I'm so happy he's back. I was terrified that he wouldn't be the same after detox

 lol You should be his AA buddy, to keep him on the wagon.

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox
Xadem said: 

I'm so happy he's back. I was terrified that he wouldn't be the same after detox

 lol You should be his AA buddy, to keep him on the wagon.

 I'd be like an old school dad who makes his kid smoke the entire pack of ciggies to teach him a lesson

Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox

I'm back now
You were thinking that I want sympathy, Jim?

what i think does not matter, neither does anyone elses thoughts
do it for u bro
look if i had ur cute twink looks id go to SEA and become a billionaire
from seducing rich 2 inch asian guys

Well, that's kind of what you had accused me of, earlier
I read up. Are you denying it now?

are you accusing me of accusing you things?
narc injured and blocked

Doesn't have to be that way, but at least don't be disingenuous

what i am saying is you are enjoying the state of being a alcohol addict because you can blame everything on the addiction, and you are also enjoying peoples efforts in trying to get you to be better
not the sympathy
sympathy sucks, makes u feel pathetic
so i know u dont want that
what u want is ppl constantly circling around u trying to get u to do x y encouraging u et

Jim, how many times have I refused money from you?

cuz it makes u spotlight
yea u dont need money ik that

That seems to run against what you claim I am doing

without the alcohol addiction, you are responsible for whatever happens in ur life or goes wrong, and u dont have something to hook ppl in with

And how do you figure that?

you attract codependents and faggots by being a troubled alcohol man

Just wondering where this idea comes from

i went to nigeria to get blessed by a juju man
he broke an egg on my head
then i felt the roach demon in me
i have been making bank since
just observations
feel free to prove me wrong
refute me daddy

You know
I complain a lot less about my life than you do and all the little details of it
And I even refuse free help

its not a competition

So to have someone accuse me of trying to garner sympathy, given all of those things
It's a bit ironic, isn't it?

even if you dont ask for money or hide out of pride, you are still hooking codependents by being poor alcohol addicted boy
no i never deny trying to garner sympathy

Since when?

and making myself a poor widdle boi
what i find funny is u trying to seem like u have pride and still trying to garner sympathy subtly haha
oh no i cant take that 100$, even tho i really need it because im starving and dying....
(analogy not saying ur asking for money)

I usually lightly bring up personal issues, that's kind of the point of the place
But it rarely do I bring up specifics without being questioned
And even then, I refuse to take help, usually saying I am the one who must be responsible

the booze is a machiavellian tool basically, u can blame ur lash outs on them, u can garner sympathy being a poor alcoholic bukowski sexy loser boy, u have an excuse to not seek a job and move out etc
u use alcohol to evade responsibility

You and I have been over this several times, where I refuse help

if you accepted the help you would lose ur garnering tool
its like hobos who refuse treatment so they can come back
spend more time

It's not an evasion of responsibility if I own up to it though, is it?
Do you see me blaming others for me drinking?

do you own up to keeping urself addicted on purpose?

At most, I blame genetics
Addiction is not such a simple thing that a person "keeps themselves addicted" intentionally
You've had A-PvP, you know this

cuz when ur an alcoholic, ur not a toxic asshole who exploits people and abuses them and makes people take care of him, you are just a struggling alcoholic who cant help himself teehee

I think it's been years now since I ever accepted any help beyond what a minimum wage worker can make in half of a day

u want both respect and sympathy at the same time

How do you think I am seeking sympathy?

u cant be an alpha god and a loser at the same time
it keeps ppl focused on u, and ur grandparents taking care of u
u know ur grandparents dont need ur help

They do, but you are avoiding the question

You are seeking sympathy by being a depressed alcoholic broken man who just needs some encouragement and push to get better
Faggots swarming around you trying to get you to do changes
Cuz they curr about you

And when do you see me encouraging that?

[:: TC Note: July 7th & 9th, 2020 ::]

Let me ask you something
If you think I wanted sympathy, I would be this ineffectual?

You are not ineffectual. Look at all these tards scrambling to try to convince u to get help and do better
You are the spotlight

To this day I have people talking shit on me when I meet new folks because of how effective I was, when I did want that
I'm not the spotlight because of sympathy
I'm the spotlight because of my ability to connect with others

You came back with no booze and just p much picked up the bottle again even tho u could prob managed the cravings after tis long
Atm people are orbiting u cuz they are trying to get on that oh im doing so much better than this guy tip

My problems are typically only brought up when others pry at them

Low self esteem vultures like tc and blanc trying to act like they are better and they will help u
that u need their nudge
to get better

That's two people, honestly
A lot more is going on thant them

u have more ppl
trying to push
U had ppl literally try to keep u drunk as an entertainment and "oh i am so superior" bs

TC want to dissect me, Blanc wants to be with me
This isn't rocket science

Insecure narcs trying to sabotage u cuz they wanna feel above someone
They are feeding off of u fam

Perhaps some
Because I am a source of energy
Of course they do

I also agree that ur a really fun and cool guy
But some of them arent attracted to you for that
Some are circling around u to get that haha look at this loser ia m better tip
And this is really weird symbiosis

They are welcome to do it

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/16/2020 2:49:25 PM
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox

Some of them discourage and some encourage you to stay drunk, you got money from girls before and get attention and whatever, and they get their superiority tip and feel needed off of your state, if you are content with this continue
But if this bothers u u know what to do
Ur basically preyed on by self hating insecure narcs looking for someone to feel better than

This is the thing, Jim
Even though people do that, it doesn't really matter. My ego remains fine
And on top of that, I come out looking better

I am just pointing that out, its up to you to make a choice, i wil not tell you what to do
Ok. But do you see where I am coming from? You are encouraged to be in this state not only by your addiction, but theres actual social pressure by broken fucked up faggots an u get some social benefits from it too

Actually not many encourage me to be this way

They say "dont do that dont do that" but then try to get you to continue
If you noticed
Narc moms do that too. They call u fat then get mad when u lose weight

You have your own pre-developed notions which makes this a difficult conversation

I guess ur not seeing how people tried to get you to continue
Me having pre-developed notions doesnt mean my points are invalid
Refute faggot dont cope

I'm more responsible than they are
Some do like to see things burn
And I'm a bridge-burner
I'm well-aware
Most people who encourage it, I know what they are doing and why
I never became an alcoholic for them, I was doing it before I was even on SC

The last thing im gonna say is rn these pathetic losers with no life achievements are trying to keep u drunk so they can feel needed and above you and entertainment I guess cuz ur funny when drunk, but you could be above them and shit on them using ur
Intelligence and skills, like u used to tell me about how u used to cold calls and shit
But then they would like you less
Because the people here are so insecure and are in such a low place in their lives that they cant stand anyone doing good

I don't measure life success by achievements
If that's their metric, then that's fine. Not my issue

What do you measur then?
The amount of bottles in ur garbage can?

I think that is the most important thing one can have

Yeah but how can u say ur spiritually woke and fulfilled when u drink
to fill a void
U havent reached mindfulness yet

I never said I was spiritually woke
You're putting words into my mouth

Plus its such an ephemereal intangible thing like, i have deeper chakras than u
I am a guru and ur a spiritually dead w.e
do u think ur mindful

To an extent
Do you think I'm not?

I have fallen way too far from my point though
I just wanted to ask if u realize that u stand to lose more than an addiction if you quit
Socially and psychologically
The people around u are enabling it in a way
Blanc was butthurt you were trying to quit because shes a addicted weak creature who cant quit

You think I am being used, but you don't seem to realize what I've been able to do

You remember it?

And even some will dislike when I quit, because I won't be such a volatile person
I'm aware
That's alright

yeah thats what im saying. I was bewildered like this guy is so smart and also will powered
Cuz i saw u push thru alot of shit
over the years

I know my own value, so the evaluations of others matter very little
Doesn't matter how high or low I go
I know where I am

I was having a really hard time comprehending cuz i dont see u like those guys who are too retarded to do it you know

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: Tryp is out of detox
Doing a program, probably over Zoom because of Covid
3 hours a day, 3 times a week

>drinks at the zoom meeting

That was my thought as well...


I should probably be taking the anti-depressants, too


I'll do that now, actually

Posted Image

Mayoclinic: Why is it bad to mix antidepressants and alcohol?

A woman visiting the Arts Village dorms my Freshman year ended up horribly blue in the lips and needing to go to a hospital over mixing this stuff. It can be harder to tell how much you've had to drink on uppers, and the two can interact in notably bad ways. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
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