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Getting Covid Tested.... 😎

Posts: 9490

If I die bury me with all my ice on -lil peep 


okay so someone who works with my mom tested positive so we are all having to get tested now 😅 


at the covid testing site now, and it’s a nightmare. There’s helicopters flying around police cars everywhere and military people everywhere like guarding the shit 


there is a sign that says I cannot exit my vehicle 


and cars as far as the eye can see like I genuinely can’t see the testing site it’s wrapped around the testing site on all sides which is a million acres 

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then you woke up and saw SC on the screen

Posts: 9490
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well that took 7 hours 


I genuinely did go get a covid test. Supposedly test results are quite slow. 

there was a significant rise in cases in the last week so that may be why. 

there was an average of 1% infection rate and then in one week it jumped up from 1% to 14% of those tested receiving positive tests in my area 


I don’t have any symptoms other than my throat has felt kinda weird for like three or four days and it’s showing a sign visible sign of infection in it. But this could be any number of things, not covid. 

Ive been taking vitamin c and water and usual vitamins, for the last several days since I noticed the throat thing and pushing drinks down my throat. 

hopefully nothing 

Posts: 1319
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everybody already did the covid munchausens shtick already find smth new

Posts: 511
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what did they do? is the test even reliable?

Posts: 483
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Covid is so April 2020 like girl come on :p

Posts: 9490
1 votes RE: Getting Covid Tested.... 😎
Sven said: 

what did they do? is the test even reliable?

 The test i did is through genetworx 


you can read about it here. 


You drive up, wait in line in ur car- the wait is 7 hours, *i’m not joking* it was literally, 7, hours. 


Some people with markers ask you how many people are in your car- and then mark on your windshield with paint markers. The paint marker comes off with water and rubbing it a bit. 


And then you pull up to some nurses wearing face shields and masks, and full body PPE. And they ask you your name and date of birth, and hand you a slip all about genetworx testing and where you can go online to learn about the test and also there is a portal to log into where you can check on the status of your results 


you also have to give them your phone number. 


And address- which they get from you showing them you drivers license. (You need this to get tested) 


(you don’t need insurance however) 


After they write all of that down, they also write all of that information on a tube, and they put your documents and a tube inside of a small biohazard bag- and then tell you to roll your window up. 


And they seal the bag between your window as it closes. They may also put it on your windshield underneath the wipers. 


Then you are instructed along with the rest of the line to go forward to a different area. For some reason- some cars were instructed to go into a parking garage- where i could see, it was wrapped around the inside of each of its levels. 


But we were instructed to go past the parking garage- (with motions from military men- no one talked to us, you can’t roll down ur window or get out of vehicle) 


and followed the instructions to go forward and there are also cones everywhere so it’s very clear where you drive, you can’t go anywhere but within the cones. So it’s all very clear and straight forward. 


And then they told us to stop. And it was underneath a white tent and there were about 12 nurses handling the biohazard bags and sticking them into freezers and such. 


And finally one of the nurses once again, in face shield, ppe, mask, came up to our car- confirmed our names and date of birth- they grab the bag from your window you don’t touch it. And they, tell you, to look up at the sky like, chin up. Say ah, and they stick a long cotton swab looking thing, into the back of your throat. 


They swirl it around a bit for about 2-3 seconds. And while they’re doing this they keep encouring you to keep your mouth open wide and tongue out- and to keep saying “ah” 


just to sort of help delineate your focus from the fact there is an object in your throat. 


It doesn’t make you cough or gag, it’s gentle, it doesn’t hurt. My eyes didn’t even water, i hardly felt it. It’s painless and quick. 


The only annoying part is 1. There is no where to use the restroom during your 7 hour wait, unless you planned for that and have somewhere to go inside your vehicle. 


There are porta potties- but you have to be an idiot to use a porta potty stationed at a covid testing site. Because if you don’t have covid then, you definitely have it now- after using that disgusting porta potty. Don’t use the porta potties. Even if you are certain you have covid- there are two strains of covid- and you don’t want the worse strain. Which you can get from the porta potty. 


Second of all. You get thirsty or hungry during your wait. So bring lots of water- in a cooler. 


And third of all, the sun is beaming down on you, baking your skin while you wait. So it’s hot. Make sure you take a car with really good AC and, some sort of screen to block out the sun on all sides, and sunglasses. 


And fourth, you have to show up with a full tank of gas. Because you’ll waste all of it sitting there, idling with the AC. 



i forgot to mention what they do after they swab you. So they put the swab in the tube, put it inside the biohazard bag and walk off with it. And then they motion to you that you can leave. You have to wait till they motion you, to leave. 


So just, pay attention to what the people are telling you to do. 




there are signs that will tell you where to go to get into the line, because at first you might be like, ok where is the line?? You cannot see the testing site from the line- but, follow the signs very literally and you will find the line. 


Also, there are signs that will tell you whether or not they are *doing* covid testing or doing *anti-body* testing. 


If you want to check for whether you are infected or not, you need to do the covid testing. The sign will say, “covid testing open” that means, they have tests, they’re doing the testing right now, and you need to wait in the line to get one. 


Then, it will say whether or not “anti-body” testing is open or closed after that. If it’s open, and that’s the test you want (you get that test if you’ve already recovered from an illness and want to see if it was covid) then you also wait in the line- and wait for further instructions- a guy in military uniform and signs will make it clear where to go at a certain point- the lines will separate into two different lines based on the test you want. 


And the other important thing. 


If you make it past the point where a military personnel ushers you in- you will get tested. They’re not going to suddenly close and send you away. If you made it past that point, you’re good. 


But, before that point, you have not made it into the cut off line, and they may at any point *usually around noon* cut off the line, and the people that did not make it past the military personal ushering in point, will be sent home and told to come tomorrow. 


It’s based on how many cars they can physically do in one days time. 


So once it’s full, it’s full.


so yeah, once you see the guy in military uniform ushering people in and telling them which lane to go in- you’re in and you will be tested that day.



and another tip is, don’t roll down ur window or get out of ur car. Some people do, in order to go talk to police and ask them questions. The police aren’t wearing masks, and sometimes the people who talk them aren’t either. So the police who work *at the covid testing site* could very well be super spreaders themselves or have been exposed, and by going up and talking to them, you could be exposing yourself to covid. 


It is spread through talking and breathing, and this is why it’s important to stay six feet apart minimum, and wear mask at all times. 


One of the strains is more contagious than the other. Just keep that in mind. And it’s the more lethal one too.



if you’re wondering about exposure, her’es what i know about that. 


People who started showing symptoms- are most contagious, 1-3 days *before* they start showing symptoms. 


If it has been 6 days since the day of your exposure, you can go ahead and get your covid test and it will show you whether you have been infected or not. 


There is no need for a second or third test after that. 


If you test positive- you will see your results much sooner, than if you test negative. They may call and leave a voice mail, or you may receive something in the mail. Regardless, if you get your results 1-4 days after the day you tested- that is likely a positive result. (In a busy crowded city with overwhelmed testing sites) 


If you receive your results 10-15 days after test, it’s because you were negative- and giving you your results, wasn’t a priority or urgent matter. 


If you know you have been exposed, quarantine. For the love of god. Until you get your results. 


And lastly, if you have been exposed, you may not show any symptoms until anywhere from 3-24 days after that day of exposure. 


Or, you may never show symptoms, even with a positive test result. 




(cont.) scroll down

last edit on 6/24/2020 8:48:21 AM
Posts: 9490
0 votes RE: Getting Covid Tested.... 😎

everybody already did the covid munchausens shtick already find smth new

I wouldn’t of even gone to the testing site normally-


but my mom came home in a panic yesterday and was like, “someone at my office has tested positive and i have a sore throat.”


And she was around this person for several days in a row, for prolonged periods of time in an inclosed space- during their most contagious time period.


And being that my throat was sore too, and me and my moms sore throats occurred at the same time, and that we live in the same house hold and have been around each other in close proximity in enclosed spaces (like the car) a lot, it’s a given that, if she has been spreading it, i could very well could be too.


(we originally chalked up our throats to allergies because it’s very mild, and I’ve had it for five days now and it hasn’t worsened- and no other symptoms have appeared.) 


 The reason why my family is taking it seriously, and isn’t blowing it off- is because my sister is pregnant, we also have a small child in the family they want to protect- my grandmother who is over the age of 70 and in a high risk group has been wanting to come over but we can’t allow her to do that until we test negative- if she got it she could die. And lastly- my sisters husband is severely immune compromised- and has the worst set of lungs in the state of Florida (not kidding, he is the worst case of pulmonary complications in the state of Florida.) and so, he has been avoiding all social contact but- basically we can’t be around him until we test negative, due to the known exposure we’ve had. 


Which means, my mom can’t see her grandchild, or her daughter- because he lives in the same house with them. Until she tests negative. 


So that’s why we’re taking it seriously, my sisters husband could die, if my sister had it for example. 


So basically for his sake, everyone, has to get tested. 

last edit on 6/24/2020 8:45:26 AM
Posts: 9490
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I went to the convention center in my area. There are other places to get tested via appointment, but they won’t test you at these other locations unless you are sick, showing multiple symptoms. You do not need insurance to get tested. 

Posts: 9490
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On the bright side, my sleeping schedule has been corrected. 


My mom was having a hard time with her mind going to quite negative places and, having anxiety as well, during the whole, wait to get tested and on the way to get tested. 


I was sort of able to talk her through that, because boy do I have experience grappling with negative mind sets and anxiety or panic. 


Basically a great thing to do is, delineate from the fact you’re in line to get a covid test, stop talking about covid, reading about covid, etc. and instead, do some grounding. 


Take a deep breath inhale and exhale out. And do this a few times, and then let the breathing return to normal. While doing this, focus on the breath itself. Imagine the shape of the breath as it leaves your nostrils and goes in, and focus on that area around your nosttrils and any sensation you may feel there. 


If this isn’t working, try a guided meditation practice- either with the help of an app like the calm app, listen to nature sounds, watch a youtube video, play happy music- or envision yourself somewhere happy in your future. 


Like I would think about what I’m going to do when i get home, or, the trip to Hawaii i want to take. Just, dream up an ideal future for yourself and place yourself in it. Convince yourself, everything is going to be okay. 


And if that still isn’t working, you can close your eyes and imaging yourself somewhere really nice. For me, i like the beach but, whatever you want landscape wise. And focus on the kinesthetic sensations you might notice while you are in this space. The sand on the bottom of your feet. The feeling of water on your hands. The sound of the birds, the waves, the smell of ocean air. And, just breath. 


That one helps me *a lot* even in the worst of times hah. 


It does help to go *with* someone if you can, honestly. Because you can laugh together about other things, and distract each other from the stress of the situation. 


And then, to address the negative thoughts. I just sort of did something like grounding but, more about like, gratitude. And putting things into perspective, and reframing. Rather than thinking about how everything is goign to shit and will progressively be worse and worse. “Catastraphizing” the situation. 


The truth is, all we have is this present moment. And, we may get a positive, we may get a negative. The chances of us having the more lethal strain, is low. And even if we did, everyone on this planet dies. I find comfort in that. And in the grand scheme of things, what’s 13 years early, 20-30 years early. Early death is nothing to fret over. It’s something we all have to see, one day. So it’s okay. Everything on this planet, dies. I Told her. Everything here, is temporary. It’s how we’re meant to be. And, we have to be grateful for what we did have. What we do have. 


Right now, we are not in a hospital bed, in pain. Our bellies aren’t distended from starvation. There is no war zone surrounding us, and no immediate danger or threats, looming over us. We are in a wonderfully comfortable, air conditioned car, in a free and protected country- with police and military watching us, to ensure our safety. That is a lot to be greateful for. We can breath. We can talk. We have our arms and legs. And no- diagnoses of any kind that are, life threatening. 


We’re essentially fine. And, everything is going to be fine. Because we’re fine. The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day out. We’ve lived a beautiful life, a cushioned one- without as much struggle, as others have had, and have a lot to be grateful for in this present moment. 



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