When I look at the people that are supposedly the leaders in this world; the influencers and celebrities, the media, the justice system, world leaders and politicians, the "experts".... and really analyze their imperfections and obvious selfishness, ignorance, and bias.... I can't help but feel at a loss. These people are fucking parrots, and sheep, and fools. These are the ones I'm supposed to look up to? Because to me it seems to a bunch of idiots who are going to lead the world off a cliff. Shall I follow my peers into this foolish hell? I don't think so. I've come to the conclusion that there are no role models. Not your parents, your leaders, your teachers, nobody. The concept of a role model is a myth. I've decided in fact, to be my own role model because I know what's good for me way more than these idiots I'm seeing.
Leaders, celebrity, and media make sense, but why not teust experts? Do you not trust anything you learn in college?
Scientists, doctors, engineers, ect... the knowledge itself is of course invaluable.
But a lot of the experts peddled to the public in these fields are intrenched deeply into their own personal/political agenda and will give you information based on that agenda. Of course learning the hard facts of a given subject is useful, but I am not speaking of theorums, I'm speaking of opinions merely presented as facts, or even worse- lies.
It's less about what you trust and more about what you choose to subscribe to. It's all on some level being taken on faith, especially when you let that responsibility be in another's hands.
We don't really know anything, we just have ideas based on our experiences, experiences entirely shaped by our sensitivities and blind spots within our perceptions alongside a large series of instinctual and conditioned reactions. It's essentially an entire existence built on self-reflected anecdotes as evidence with us consistently giving ourselves way more credit than we deserve simply over the fact that we can kinda remember what we've done before right this moment.
As information gets faster, people don't have to see as much with their own eyes. Books, television, and newspapers did enough on their own, now we have a portable device that can feed us this information within the size limits of a Twitter post. We're entrenched in this muck too, your muck just doesn't play nice with some other mucks from not recognizing itself.
The sounds and tones you hear (especially deep bass), the colors chosen purposefully to elicit targeted responses from large enough bodies of people, the uses of facial expressions in advertisements and art to try to get those mirror neurons going, even that smell of fresh cookies or the smell of a new car, or new shoes, keeping their message within specific syllable counts, displayed within specific Graphic Design practices, it's all by design meant to steer you. Your senses are so bombarded that "reality" itself is becoming malleable, personal, and that's fine because we never had a say in that matter.
The deeper you look, the less you realize that you have any say in what's going on at all. If this haunts you, consider going off the grid (The comic Transmetropolitan loved playing with this idea, among many others).
When I look at the people that are supposedly the leaders in this world; the influencers and celebrities, the media, the justice system, world leaders and politicians, the "experts".... and really analyze their imperfections and obvious selfishness, ignorance, and bias.... I can't help but feel at a loss. These people are fucking parrots, and sheep, and fools. These are the ones I'm supposed to look up to? Because to me it seems to a bunch of idiots who are going to lead the world off a cliff. Shall I follow my peers into this foolish hell? I don't think so. I've come to the conclusion that there are no role models. Not your parents, your leaders, your teachers, nobody. The concept of a role model is a myth. I've decided in fact, to be my own role model because I know what's good for me way more than these idiots I'm seeing.
by definition, you can't be your own role model.
ill have to disagree, out of over 7 billion humans, there are a few good leaders. you just have to look a little closer