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Russians Defeated the German Wehrmacht

Posts: 5403


Up until I was 10 I was sceptical of my dad when he said that 80% of the German army was defeated at the Eastern front, but then I googled it and saw the numbers. 

My granddad participated at the siege of Berlin and there's a pic of him clearly shellshocked inbetween another bunch of tankers.


EDIT: Grandad


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last edit on 6/17/2019 1:05:34 AM
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: Russians Defeated the G...

There is a pic of my grandad in front of the monument in Berlin as other tankers are dancing, I will find it after work and post it. He has this distraught smile on his face 

Posts: 525
1 votes RE: Russians Defeated the G...

that poll is really interesting

I didn't know the extent of the role that Russia played in the war until you told me either actually, tho I did know it wasn't insignificant 

the victory belongs to the Russian people indeed, would be cool to see a V day parade irl some day

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Rubber ducky you're the one You make bath time lots of fun Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you
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0 votes RE: Russians Defeated the G...

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Pavlov house (House of Soldier's Glory) — a 4-storey residential building located on Lenin square in Stalingrad, where during the battle of Stalingrad a group of Soviet soldiers heroically held the defense for 58 days.

For example: Poland defended for 36 days, France defended for 43 days. Hitler captured Europe faster than some quarters in Stalingrad.

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