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Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home
Billy said: 

actually what BR is doing is pretty smart. BR double check that the credits will transfer. i would get it in writing if you can. also check from year to year those fuckers will change shit on you.

 Thank you for the advice.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home
Billy said: 

actually what BR is doing is pretty smart. BR double check that the credits will transfer. i would get it in writing if you can. also check from year to year those fuckers will change shit on you.

 Thank you for the advice.

 sure that's Fucking Boomer logic for ya, some actually know what the fuck is going on.

Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home

Boomers can be logical too. They helped invent computers (literal logic machines), after all. C programming is a product of literal boomer logic.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
last edit on 6/16/2019 7:33:38 PM
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home

Boomers can be logical too. They helped invent computers (literal logic machines), after all. C programming is a product of literal boomer logic.

 im not one to assign labels. boomer genX  millennials w/e. seems every generation has great people that contribute great things to society. advancements continue. i'de like to think that some intelligent young people would look to the past generations and use that knowledge. not discount the knowledge because it came from some "boomer" generation.  have an open mind.




Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home
Billy said: 

actually what BR is doing is pretty smart. BR double check that the credits will transfer. i would get it in writing if you can. also check from year to year those fuckers will change shit on you.

 Community college credits in the same university system with 100% transfer.

I got my english 101 and mat 101 credits from the community college in my parent's town before moving here and that was only because that CC was in the state university system.

Community college isnt anything different than the first 2 years at a public university, but is a lot cheaper.

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 23
0 votes RE: why hawaii is my home


Rubber ducky you're the one You make bath time lots of fun Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you
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