To Tryp and anyone else who wants to know: my intentions with thebigbadmeanguy are only to be his friend and help him with some of his psychological issues. The Shenequa thing started bc I called him nigga in like a friendly way and he found it peculiar and a little offensive (he is white)

and I asked him a question in pm that he also got defensive about, and he insulted me, and I insulted him back in a way that led to me calling him Shenequa as an insult

but then it turned into a friendly term of endearment and I am now Raekwon sometimes

disclaimer: I am not racist, I feel like I'm living out a repressed identity probably similar to how trans people feel. In another life I was meant to be a black man with a black wife/gf who is very.....ample bbw and has a thicc fat ass


If thebigbadmeanguy continues to oblige me even if just occasionally I would very much like to live out my repressed identity in fantasy on the internet